NMB Clown Commissioners fall for #FakeNews story, introduce meaningless legislation to condemn it. 🤡🤡🤡

The Agenda for tonight’s North Miami Beach City Commission Meeting is chock filled with so much silliness, nonsense and sheer stupidity.

It’s hilarious enough that Michael Joseph is proposing legislation on his “brilliant” idea to “improve the local economy” by building an underground transit system in a City that is elevated five (5) feet above sea level.

Yeah, that’ll work.

Then there’s Paule Villard’s appointment of a serial lying undertaker, Evans St. Fort, to the Commission on Aging / Senior Citizens Advisory Board, who swore under oath and penalty of perjury that he lives here:

Lazul Rental Apartments

When he actually lives here:

… in the 4,235 square foot, 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath Pembroke Pines $841,400 mansion, on which he and his wife, Malika, declare a 100% double homestead exemption.

Nevertheless, if Evans St. Fort is appointed, and you know he will be, he’ll have immediate access to North Miami Beach’s entire elderly population to sell his death products to, including coffins, headstones, burial plots, and balloon and dove releases.

We strongly suggest that the aging residents bypass his crematory services, however, as he’s been known to “misplace” the ashes of a departed loved one or two.

Just saying.

To make matters worse, McKenzie Fleurimond introduced an “Add On” Resolution to the Agenda “condemning the inhumane treatment of Haitian nationals detained at the border between United States and Mexico,” and claiming that “Border Patrol agents [are] rounding up Haitian asylum seekers with whips.”

Except that it’s complete fiction.

And the lie that keeps exponentially growing has now landed on the North Miami Beach dais by way of the Clown Commissioners.

The story now referred to as #WhipGate on Twitter, started with this photo claiming that a Border Patrol agent on horseback was using a whip on Haitian immigrants.

This “story” was immediately picked up by ABC and CBS, which continued to spread the falsehood throughout the press, even after NBC News reported that Border Patrol agents are not equipped with whips, and that Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “It appears that those were the riders’ reins for the horse.”

The “horrific” photo taken from another angle showed a completely different picture.

Obviously the mounted officer was not wielding a “whip.”

Or any weapon whatsoever.

But, hey, never let a good narrative go to waste.

Pop some corn, turn on the Commission Circus Meeting at 6:00 PM, and watch the Commission Clowns in action.



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3 thoughts on “NMB Clown Commissioners fall for #FakeNews story, introduce meaningless legislation to condemn it. 🤡🤡🤡

  1. I generally agree with the nonsense of what is going on in NMB. However, there is another video of a Border Patrol agent using his horse to intimidate a person in the river to the point of the person falling in the water. The angle isn’t good so I can’t see if the horse strikes the person, steps on his foot, or is he just fell backwards because he was threatened. A horse CAN be a dangerous weapon. IJS

    1. The officers were on horseback because they were tasked to stop the illegals from crossing the river, and it’s more expedient to do it that way. The illegals were charging at the officers and their horses, which is not only stupid, but dangerous. They risked being stepped on or worse by frightened horses, and the officers needed to rein in their mounts. People who don’t know about horses should steer clear of them, and especially not appear to be attacking them.

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