Contemptible! Paule Villard and Hans Mardy show their racist colors on Haitian radio!

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is well known for calling everyone who disagrees with her a racist.

She produces absolutely no proof that anyone is actually a racist, but facts don’t matter to Paule, who likes to play the victim when she is actually the predator.

Paule is running for re-election on a slate along with Mark St. Vil, a criminal defense lawyer, and Hans Mardy, formerly of North Miami.

Then North Miami Beach.

Then North Miami again.

And now North Miami Beach once again.

We always knew that Hans Mardy was a carpetbagger, but until now, we had no idea that he is a reprehensible racist like Paule Villard, and also a virulent anti-Semite as well.

At the October 20, 2022 Meet & Greet the Candidates hosted by resident Allison Robie, Hans Mardy shocked the audience when he angrily vilified the three Jewish candidates running for office, Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith, and his own opponent, Fortuna Smukler, by blurting out at minute 53:22, “When you say I am running with Paule Villard, this is one of the reason I say, we need a district city because it’s very difficult in the City of North Miami Beach to win a campaign citywide by yourself if you’re not part of one team. I will return the same question, those three, the three of you, ran together us [sic] there’s no place in those seat assigned [sic] of Smith and Jay and Miss, uh, uh, Miss Fortuna.  Therefore, it’s a team thing.  You make it look like Port au Prince against Tel Aviv.  This is the reality you don’t want to face.”


When Commissioner Barbara Kramer jumped out of her seat to demand an explanation, Hans merely replied, “You make it sounds [sic] like it’s a group against another group.”

Oh, really?

The only one pitting one group against another here are the three who printed this flyer and who are distributing them throughout the City.

Apparently, in Hans Mardy’s mind it’s perfectly acceptable to run as a “Haitian” slate, but if the three non-Haitians, who just happen to be Jewish are also running, his anti-Semitic colors come shining through.

Even worse, Hans did a show on Haitian radio the day of the forum, which he also posted on his Facebook page.  Paule called in to the show, and they both spent fifteen minutes trying to start a race and class war in North Miami Beach.


We consulted with three trusted Haitian-American sources, one of which is a well-educated, high-ranking law enforcement officer who speaks five languages including Haitian Creole, and asked them to translate this video into English.  All three of them concurred that the translation was accurate.

At the beginning of the video, Paule Villard is speaking in a very angry tone and appears to be yelling.  She’s very difficult to understand and the volume is quite low, but the translator was able to hear and translate a few key phrases.

Paule begins by telling the listeners to elect her, claiming that she was urged to run and that she “did not run to become a politician.”

We all know that she was actually recruited to run in 2015 by her close personal friend and mentor, Ex-Commissioner/Convicted Felon Frantz, who was also a pathological liar like Paule is.

She immediately began one of her typical racist diatribes by lying that Haitians represent 33% of the City of North Miami Beach (it’s actually about 20%), and that “We may not allow ‘blanc’ to split the vote.”

Our translator explained that Haitian Creole, which is a mix between French and several African languages, only became recognized as an offical language in Haiti in 1987.  It is difficult to translate since there are three distinct dialects of Haitian Creole depending on the region of Haiti in which it is spoken.  As a result, certain words may have multiple meanings.

The word “blanc,” for example, is the masculine form of “white” in French, and its connotation as “oppressors” have roots in the Haitian Revolution.  There is still a caste system in Haiti based on skin color, and the word “blanc” is also translated as “non-Haitian” or “foreigner.”

When Paule told her listeners to not allow “blanc” to split the vote, she was referring not only to white people, but to anyone not of Haitian descent.  Our translator got the distinct impression that Paule actually believes that North Miami Beach belongs to the Haitian community and that everyone else is a foreigner in their own City.

Paule Villard is the epitome of the dangerous combination of ignorance and arrogance.  Worse, she condescendingly believes that listeners of Haitian radio are as ignorant as she is, and she speaks to them accordingly.

She wrapped up her address to her “subjects” by lying as usual, and peppering those lies with the most divisive comments ever said in public by a politician.

  • “We cannot allow things to be just one side.  Haitians can’t get the benefits that the white people are getting.”
  • “I need people that live in your home to understand that if it’s not Haitians do not vote for them.”
  • Do not listen to them because we do not want you to carry them on your back.”

We can’t help but wonder what Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine-Cava thinks of Paule Villard now!

As hard as it is to believe, Hans Mardy’s blatant racism tops even Paule’s, and it was evident from the moment he opened his mouth.

“The city has resources, that must be shared throughout the city, not only with the community that resides on the east, but that the people on the west side needs to be heard and represented.”

As he urged his listeners to make sure all their friends and relatives vote, he added, “And take your precautions, don’t allow just anyone to help you fill the absentee ballot for you.  They may not vote for Haitian candidates.

He peppered his rant with these bigoted comments for the sole purpose of inciting a race and class war:

“This is a battle.  We are trying to give you more services and it is important to be entitled to receive the same services than the other people who live on the east.

“The other side lives in million dollar homes and do not have the same needs that we have.”

“Go vote for these three Haitian officials.”

“The Haitian team is as competent as the other non Haitian team, it’s is even more competent, because it will give you a better service.”

You may vote for all three, without affecting the other, because the election is “at large.”

“If your candidate does not work, we may always change him for another one, but we cannot change a Haitian candidate, for one that is not Haitian, for one that does not represent you.”

Hans Mardy was also urging his listeners to “have your people move into the city of North Miami Beach,” and to “fix your homes and have more of your own live in the city.”

By “fix your homes,” Mardy was referring to the common practice in his home town of North Miami, where homeowners illegally subdivide their houses into two or three small units in order to cram as many people into one residence as possible.

This is, of course, a violation of the North Miami Code of Ordinances, which states that, “Occupancy of dwelling units shall be regulated by the Miami-Dade County Minimum Housing Standards for overcrowding as defined by Chapter 17, Article II of the Miami-Dade County Code,” and that “No habitable room shall be divided in any manner into space intended for living, sleeping, eating or cooking purposes by an installed partition or divider of any type.”

By the same token, the North Miami Beach Code of Ordinances specifically defines a single-family dwelling as “A single residential unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one (1) family including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, and each dwelling is to be occupied exclusively by one (1) family.”

But according to Hans Mardy, he sees nothing wrong with urging his Creole-speaking listeners to violate the City Code so they can reach the magical number of 50,000 residents for the purpose of becoming an entitlement city “in order to have the Federal Government help us.”

Just what North Miami Beach needs — another Criminal Commissioner scamming for more of other people’s hard earned tax dollars to line his pockets.

Almost as bad as his overt racism is Hans Mardy’s undisguised class envy.

By demonizing “the other people who live on the east,” he is apparently oblivious to the fact that a very small enclave of Eastern Shores consists of residential “million dollar” homes, while the rest of the “east” is made up of modest apartments, condominiums, and townhouses, whose residents are not members of the wealthy class that Hans Mardy so envies.

He’s also conveniently forgetting that the community of Highland Village is located “on the east” side.

The very same Highland Village that Hans Mardy told the audience at the October 20, 2022 candidate forum “has been an eyesore for North Miami Beach.  There’s always been a problem there.  A problem because of the kind of housing we have over there, a problem because of the demographic we have over there.  Don’t forget Highland Village is open to the other side of City of North Miami.  It’s a very difficult issue.  We need police presence over there almost all the time.”

We’re not sure what “kind of housing” Hans Mardy finds so distasteful, but it certainly can’t be this lovely home currently listed for sale at $359,000 on Zillow.

Maybe Hans is offended by the American flag flying outside.

Perhaps Hans is also offended by the “demographic” of now-mostly Hispanic residents living in Highland Village — a demographic that actually represents 38%, or nearly twice the number of Haitians, residing in the City of North Miami Beach.

Hans should be more concerned about being exposed as a Trump-supporting Republican who voted for him in 2016

and again in 2020

Despite Hans taking offense … again … at his opponent, Fortuna Smukler’s outing him for being a Republican, Hans only recently switched parties to run in this election.

Considering how many times he’s changed residences to run in different cities, this should come as no surprise.

Bottom line, Hans Mardy is a fraud, whose only goal is to divide and conquer the City of North Miami Beach.

Paule Villard, as you all know by now, is not only a fraud, but a pathological liar and a thief of your tax dollars.

All you need to know about Mark St. Vil is that he’s Michael Joseph’s hand-picked candidate, and that he hates America so much he refused to pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


We can’t help but wonder where his allegiance really lies.

Early voting begins Monday, October 24, 2022.

If you don’t want the City of North Miami Beach to be run by race and class hustlers like Paule Villard and Hans Mardy, only you can make sure it never happens!

On November 8, 2022, please cast your vote for Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith, and Fortuna Smukler!

Please vote responsibly.


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16 thoughts on “Contemptible! Paule Villard and Hans Mardy show their racist colors on Haitian radio!

  1. Candidate Mardy, and Commissioner Villard make it seem like NMB has no representation from Haitian citizens now or in the past. The city has a diverse population and right now very well represented by Haitian Commissioners just not good ones. Let’s see who stands next to Villard now. I know if I was a Haitian politician she would never have a seat at my table.

    1. Exactly! Twenty percent of the NMB residents have nearly 60% representation on the dais. Talk about lopsided! The way Paule and Hans were talking, you’d think they have no representation whatsoever.

      1. The Haitian Americans that I know refuse to assimilate into the population as American citizens. The Miami Herald our local liberal rag won’t print squat about the chicanery going on in NMB, I have submitted lots of letters to them over the past couple of years and they printed line one. They will print say 12 letters in the Sunday edition (only one I buy, for the real estate) 11 are from DemocRats and 1 from a conservative. Drive through North Miami and half the cars have Haitian flags flying off them sometimes I count as many as 4 flags on one car. Villard is rubbish.

        1. I have quite a few Haitian American friends who are very proud Americans, and they want nothing to do with the particular group of criminals now running your City. They especially despise, and are thoroughly embarrassed by, the classless and uncouth Paule Villard. One of them, who noted with utter disgust Paule’s unethical campaign practices, said to me, “This is not American politics. This is Haitian politics at it’s worst.”

          I’ve been called a “racist” for pointing out the truth that Paule and her ilk have no regard for our country’s laws, especially campaign laws, and they have brought their Third World political mindset to American governance. Not surprisingly, chaos and corruption soon becomes the order of the day.

          What I don’t understand is that they left Haiti to escape one of the most corrupt governments in the western hemisphere, only to practice the exact same corruption here when they get into politics. That is just so unfathomable.

          This is exactly what they are doing, but they label me a “racist” for pointing out the obvious.

          Ce la vie.

  2. We knew she was a fraud, now she’s a racist fraud. All time low for our city. And this coming from a woman that recognized herself as a quintessential woman. Wow!

  3. Wowwww well , someone needs to get this to Mrs.Cava , she may be able to exposed this pair of hypocrites !!!
    Another thing there’s nothing wrong with been a Republican and has voted for Trump ! What is wrong is using political parties to benefit from ! Clearly he was using Republicans for his own gain , and now he is using uneducated Haitian’s like him and Mrs.Pauly for the same reason !
    Go vote them out is this two craps get elected good buy NMB .

    1. The only reason I brought up the Trump thing is to show that he’s a liar snd a hypocrite.

      I agree the parties should stay out of local elections.

  4. I sent Mayor Levine Cava a letter after seeing she endorsed Villard. I never heard back from her denying the endorsement or explaining herself. I thought she would have. I’m very disappointed in her and this entire election. I think there’s many hands in the cookie jar of corruption.

  5. Stephanie … you forgot the Publix $ 150 voting buying scheme (aka NoMi’s Presidente Supermarket $ 100 gift card) along sudden influx of so-called blind voters who need assistance as first time voters (i.e. another NoMi ballot box stuffing trick). Finally, rounding up people in the rental apartments along NE 6 Avenue in unincorporated Miami-Dade County between the cities of North Miami & NMB.

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