Running Scared. Part 2

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard and her campaign slate mates, the America-hating Mark St. Vil and the anti-Semitic Hans Mardy, thought they had this election in the bag.

Considering the fact that Paule has been literally campaigning on your tax dollars since last December, lying on her daily taxpayer-funded appearances on Haitian radio, having City employees shill for her, and commiting election fraud with impunity, she had every reason to believe she’d skate to victory.

What Paule didn’t count on was Channel 10’s Glenna Milberg exposing her corruption for the entire world to see.

Or making a complete fool of herself at the first candidate’s forum at Washington Park.

Or skipping the second candidate’s forum at the McDonald Center because she was too afraid to face the voters, and especially, the media.

Aside from the sheer embarrassment of being associated with the the likes of Paule Villard, Hans Mardy and Mark St. Vil also have serious problems of their own.

Hans Mardy not only proved he is a raging anti-Semite, but also a virulent racist when he publicly showed his contempt for every single non-Haitian resident of North Miami Beach on Haitian radio.

And Mark St. Vil proved he hates America by refusing to pledge allegiance to the Flag, and despite video proof of his actions, he lied to a resident that he “mouthed the words” when in fact, his lips never moved.


A few days ago, Mark St. Vil sent out a barrage of campaign text messages to residents telling them that “Stephanie Kienzle and her award-winning blog VotersOpinion” had written bad things about his opponent, Phyllis Smith.

While we already humbly admitted and profusely apologized for doing so, Mark and his two co-conspirators would now have you believe the person they continuously accuse of being a liar and a racist who “only attacks Haitians,” is suddenly telling the truth when she went after Phyllis, a decidedly non-Haitian person.

Oh, and for the record, St. Vil is lying about Phyllis voting to outsource the sanitation, when there is actual proof that she didn’t vote for it.

At the July 21, 2015 Commission meeting, Phyllis Smith voted AGAINST a resolution to negotiate a contract with Waste Management.

According to the Minutes of that meeting, it passed 5-2 without the vote of Phyllis Smith!

After the contract with Waste Management was negotiated, Phyllis had no choice but to vote for the final contract so that North Miami Beach residents would have their garbage picked up.  But, the truth is Phyllis never voted to outsource in the first place.

Like his slate mate, Paule Villard, Mark St. Vil is a liar!

Paule’s latest attempt to discredit her opponent, Jay Chernoff, came in the form of a text message to residents today that really showcases her inherent stupidity beyond all expectations.

As everyone knows, she and her co-conspiring candidates have hired thieves to steal, vandalize, and destroy the campaign signs of Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith, and Fortuna Smukler.

Yet, somehow, she would have you believe that the exact opposite is true.

Paule Villard literally had pictures taken of Jay putting up his own signs, and then did an “Expert Analysis” of those photos.

The text read:

Thank you to everyone who responded to our last message about the campaign sign vandals caught on video. We are confident now that the person stealing and damaging campaign signs was Jay Chernoff and his campaign aide. While we are disappointed by his actions, we hope this was an isolated incident. Mr. Chernoff has not commented about his actions. See the photo analysis attached.
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We can’t help wonder if the “Expert Analysis” was done by Paule the Wonder Cop herself.

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard also hilariously expected Jay Chernoff to “comment” on her “Expert Analysis.”

Maybe Paule should worry about her not responding to Channel 10 reporter Glenna Milberg’s request for a comment instead of worrying about her opponent.

The more these three clowns attack Phyllis Smith and Jay Chernoff, the more we smell the desperation in the air.

If you want to bring back honesty, transparency, accountability, and good governance to North Miami Beach do not vote for these three losers!



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