Happy Thanksgiving!

Election season 2022 delivered an especially wonderful Thanksgiving this year for all the residents of North Miami Beach.

When the voters chose Phyllis Smith, Fortuna Smukler, and Jay Chernoff as their City Commissioners, they sent a loud and clear message to Paule Villard, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Daniela Jean, and of course, to Arthur “Duke” Sorey, that their insidious brand of racism, divisiveness, and corruption will not be tolerated in NMB!

On this Thanksgiving day, we would be remiss if we didn’t give credit where it’s due for all the selfless volunteers who worked tirelessly around the clock to bring back honesty, transparency, accountability, and most of all integrity, to their wonderful City after a two-year nightmare filled with sinister lies, deceit, larceny, and corruption.

At the very top of the list, of course, are the three individuals who gave up countless hours, weeks, and months of their personal lives to put the welfare of their community before their own needs.

Phyllis Smith proved, once again, that she is a force to be reckoned with, as evidenced by the fact that she got more votes than her two opponents combined, and outright won her race in the general election on November 8, 2022.

Phyllis came out of a much deserved retirement to save North Miami Beach from the clutches of evil, and we are eternally grateful.

Extra special thanks to Susie Smith, Phyllis’ daughter, who brought her tenacity and ingenious campaign strategy to successfully overcome the odds of a tough three-way race, which ordinarily would lead to a runoff.  But Phyllis prevailed in the first round.

Kudos to the powerhouse team of Phyllis and Susie!

Commissioner Fortuna Smukler easily defeated a flawed candidate in Hans Mardy, a known carpetbagger and, as it turns out, a virulent racist and anti-Semite.

We wouldn’t be surprised if Hans “moved” back to North Miami just in time to run for office there in the next election.

Congratulations, Fortuna, on your big win!

Then there’s Jay Chernoff, who fought an uphill battle against a coordinated, corrupt election machine programed to “win” at any cost, even if it meant buying votes with gift cards, turkeys, and even cash payments to be “assisted” to vote.

Despite all the dirty tricks played by Paule Villard and her co-conspirators, Jay still won the popular vote in the first round.

Unfortunately, Jay did not receive the requisite 50% plus 1 vote to win in the general.  He was, however, able to prevail in the runoff even with a deck stacked completely against him.

Jay was forced to field constant attacks by Paule Villard, her stand-in campaign manager, Michael Joseph, City Manager Duke Sorey, who illegally used City resources for her campaign and shielded her from code enforcement, and even City Clerk Andrise Bernard, who did everything in her power to protect Paule from the consequences of her campaign finance violations.

Not a good look, Andrise.  Not a good look.

Despite all the obstacles thrown in his way, Jay brought it home Tuesday night with 52.87% of the vote.

And now the game has changed.

And, yes, although we really did make a concerted effort not to gloat, we literally can’t help ourselves.

Oh, well.  We tried.

Then there’s Commissioner Barbara Kramer, whose term will end when the new Commission is sworn in on December 6, 2022.

Despite the unrelenting public and personal attacks that Barbara endured at the hands of her sinister colleagues for the last two years, she continued to bravely fight for the residents of her beloved City by holding her colleagues and the administration accountable.

Barbara, you are the very definition of a true public servant and your legacy of service will be remembered and honored long after your tormentors are gone and forgotten.

Mayor Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo, has also been on the receiving end of non-stop abuse by Michael Joseph and McKenzie Fleurimond, and especially by the most corrupt City “Attorney” in South Florida bar none, Hans Ottinot.

Hans continuously injected himself into meetings as the “Eighth Commissioner” by constantly interrupting Tony and tag teaming with McKenzie to shut the Mayor down at nearly every single meeting in the last two years.  Their vehement disrespect, and in Han’s Ottinot’s case, flagrant insubordination, was an abominable display of false machismo that we promise will not go unpunished.

While Hans Ottinot’s days are numbered, Tony will have to suffer McKenzie “Motor Mouth” Fleurimond for the next two years, barring a successful recall election, of course.  But with a new majority on the dais, McKenzie will finally be muzzled.

And it will be a beautiful thing.

The miraculous election results would not have been possible without all the residents, including former political adversaries, coming together to “build bridges” for the greater good of North Miami Beach.

It was heartwarming to watch Tony tirelessly help Jay, Phyllis, and Fortuna, as they joined forces on the campaign trail together.  His Herculean efforts paid off in spades.

No Thank You list would be complete without a special shout out to North Miami Beach resident and technology geek extraordinaire, Keith Myers.

In Keith, I met my digital soul mate, who not only appreciates my snark and sarcasm, but also shares my love for the fine art of memes, GIFS, and YouTube exposés.

Keith, you are truly the Master of the Internet!

There were so many North Miami Beach residents, both old-time activists and new recruits, who came together from all corners of the City for the virtuous common cause of saving North Miami Beach from apocalyptic destruction.

Many of these residents had not yet been knowledgeable about the political history or current state of affairs at City Hall.  But once they heard about Duke’s reckless spending of their tax dollars on endless parties, vanity projects, unnecessary vacations, hiring of friends and family, and especially, Paule Villard’s re-election campaign, they were outraged enough to finally take action.

This is the same group of community activists, who communicated via a group chat dubbed “WakeUpNMB” merely for identification purposes, and who then were falsely accused by Paule’s handler, Michael Joseph, as being “MAGA Republicans” and “right-wing extremists.”

Never mind that these residents were neither Republicans nor extremists, MAGA or otherwise, Team Paule kept digging their heels in.

Unfazed by the barrage of attacks, “WakeUpNMB” rolled up their sleeves and pulled out all the stops to get Jay Chernoff elected.

Not that it matters, but FYI, Jay is as liberal a Democrat as you’ll ever meet, which made Michael Joseph’s accusations all that more ridiculous.

Extra kudos to those dozens of amazing people who worked behind the scenes to help make this victory possible, who prefer to remain anonymous either for political reasons, or to avoid retaliation by the vindictive Paule Villard and her three co-conspirators still sitting on the dais.

We will be working hard to make sure Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean share the same fate as Paule in 2024.

Very special recognition must be given to Jewish community leader Alan Sakowitz, and prominent physician and education activist Dr. Allan Jacob, both of whom generously endorsed Phyllis, Fortuna, and Jay, and urged the members of their respective communities to get out the vote.  Without their help, none of this would have been possible.

We also need to recognize the well-known residents, who have been active in city affairs for decades.

  • Antonio Ortega
  • Asher Pilinger
  • Bruce Lamberto
  • Dave Baumoehl
  • David Templer
  • Irene Pilinger
  • Jeb Handwerger
  • Jeff Mishcon
  • Karen Harrold
  • Ketley Joachim
  • Lynn Su
  • Mubarak Kazan
  • Patricia Miller
  • Scott Sichak
  • Tricia Harris
  • Yona Lunger

We would be remiss if we didn’t thank these prominent, free-thinkers in the Haitian community.

  • Ringo Cayard
  • Hubert Dubé
  • Patrick Mayan
  • William “Pouchon” Jean-Louis

In any event, none of this would have been possible without all of these amazing volunteers, who are appreciated beyond measure.

In the final analysis, despite the many obstacles thrown in our path — the lack of time (and a national holiday) between the general and runoff elections, the mad rush to request and return absentee ballots in time to be counted, and the reality that so many people would be out of town for Thanksgiving week and unable to vote in person — Team Jay still managed to pull off the impossible.

For all of those things, and for all of you, we are eternally grateful.

May the blessings of Thanksgiving fill your heart and home with joy.


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21 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Thank you for your help as well Stephanie, this took a whole village. Thousands of North Miami Beach residents sent a clear and powerful message that corruption has no place in the city of North Miami Beach. Dozens of residents came out to help Jay, Fortuna and Phyllis get seated on the next council and the passion of these individuals cannot be understated.

    We will be launching a direct attack against Michael Joseph, McKenzie “Doughboy” Fleurimond, Daniella Jean, Arthur H. Sorey, Gedel Merzius, Kemarr Brown, Hans Ottinot and anyone else who has behaved in a way to embrace corruption. As the person who owns the WakeUpNMB group, I promise that we will be relentless when it comes to cleaning out the dumpster fire that they created. We have already dethroned their queen so their castle of corruption will start to crumble.

    Speaking of their queen: they thought she was a golden cow who was untouchable but it turns out that she was just a normal cow who lied on her resume. That cow was so cocky that she had a victory party planned and setup the morning of the runoff and main election (one of the witches she had working for her called me a retard and invited me to the party – which was so depressing that Paule did not even attend).

    Buckle up Michael and Doughboy … You are next. I hear that 4/3 split can be a bitch

    1. Keith, thank YOU for your help. You are 100% correct that this mission took an entire village. The charlatans tried to inject racism, hatred, and partisan politics into a city that has always been a diverse melting pot of people who have always had a close kinship and a real sense of community NOT based on skin color or national origin, but based on love and respect for each other. The criminals took a calculated risk and lost.

      I am still furious at the underhanded, demonic game Michael Joseph played when he tried to smear Jay’s name and reputation. I have known Jay for decades. Our now-adult children went to Hebrew School together. Michael’s illegal impersonation of Jay with those texts claiming to be a “MAGA” and turning NMB red, made me see red — not only because I personally know that Jay is a life-long, card carrying Democrat, but also because there is no place for partisan politics in local elections. He started this despicable trend for the sole purpose of inciting hatred in the City of North Miami Beach, and it will not be tolerated.

      Michael is a lying, manipulative, evil coward, sneaking around in the shadows and hiding behind fake names to viciously attack anyone who he perceives is a threat. He has been caught red-handed over and over doing the same exact thing, obviously expecting different results each and every time, and never learning from it. This is the very definition of insanity. There is something truly wrong with him mentally. He has an explosive temper, and I’m beginning to worry if he’s capable of committing worse crimes. He should be watched very carefully for signs of escalation.

      I will not forget or forgive what he, his co-conspirators, and those two pieces of human garbage, Duke Sorey and Gedel “Beelzebub” Merzius, did to Barbara Kramer, Tony DeFillipo, Mubarak Kazan, and you.

      I am especially livid about that heartless, ignorant bitch Paule publicly disrespecting your grandmother, an esteemed elder and pillar of the community longer than Paule has been alive. How dare she? No one attacks any member of our NMB family like that and gets away with it. Trust me, she will regret that one.

      I imagine right now that she’s in shock, never once believing that with all her dirty campaign tricks she wouldn’t coast to re-election. I have never seen someone with such an undeserved sense of entitlement with so little to offer humanity. Paule Villard is a truly despicable lowlife, unworthy of compassion. She got exactly what she deserved and I hope she’s as miserable as she’s made everyone else in the last four years. Karma is an even bigger bitch than Paule.

      If I had more time, I’d tell you how I really feel LOL! I’m just glad that I finally got all that rage off my chest.

      But it’s far from over. Keith and I have big plans and we are just getting started.

    2. By the way, Keith, I think you meant the golden goose, not golden cow. But, why quibble over mixed metaphors?

      Paule actually once said at a meeting, “I want more buck for my money.”

      So “golden cow” will go right over her empty head.”

  2. City hall needs to be cleaned out. We lost such valuable employees while we gained so many inept ones.

    It’s been a reign of terror that began with our very own citizens. I hope good neighbors will have the gumption to stay involved after this public outcry and see themselves as future leaders.

      1. Now the real work begins starting with:
        The continued employment of the City Manager, to many issues too number
        The continued employment of the City Attorney, ditto
        The continued employment of the City Clerk violations of the FOIA act
        The continued employment of the Code Department Manager for his selective enforcement a violation of State Statute
        A forensic investigation of all expenditures over the last two years and a review of the reserve accounts
        Possible, probable, prosecution over the above
        Cleaning house of all the incompetent, complacent individuals hired over the last two years, many from North Miami
        Cancellation of many contracts from North Miami vendors brought in over the last two years, it would also be nice to review their accounts on how they disbursed the money
        That’s a good start for day one

        1. This is just a start. Believe me, there is a much longer list of tasks to be done as soon as possible to undo the damage the Criminal Four have done.

          One correction I’d make on your list, however, is to replace the phrase “continued employment” with “discontinued employment.” I’m pretty sure that was your intent, right?

          One more thing. I believe the Code Department Manager should be granted immunity providing he’s willing to testify against Duke for forcing him to not enforce the code in order to protect Paule. Just saying.

          1. Employees need to come forward if the manager is fired. If we get a new manager I hope employees will speak up because it will assist in exposing the mishandling and mistreatment in individual departments.
            I’m not sure, but if the Mayor and commission can stop the manager from hiring and firing employees during the change of guards, I think that would be prudent to secure truth and transparency that’s been echoed throughout this election. I think the commission should also go back to twice a month meetings because the damage that’s been done in the last two years will take too long to discuss within regular agendas of monthly meetings. I’m sure there is just too much to unfold.

          2. The discussion of continued employment was a more political way of saying don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Another point I would like to expand upon is the cleaning house of the NM hacks that were brought in. They were all brought in with significant raises over what they made in NM.

  3. I just want to Thank sll of you who put endless hours in into this elections and helped getting the right people for our city. Paule thought she was going to keep destroying our beautiful city but she was shot down.
    If we all stick together and fight this next fight together like this past one we will have a landslide. That will be Awesome and we will do it again.
    So I’m sure all of us NMB residents are ready to rumble and win again.
    God Bless All Of You ALWAYS.

  4. Congratulations, City of North Miami Beach voters, volunteers for campaigns, and all involved, for showing the people in cities in the rest of the state that Good Governance CAN be put back into office. You are an inspiration to all of us out here who dream of the day when our local government can once again be relevant, straight and For the People.

    A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you, Stephanie, for all of your hard work. And, yes, I, for one, understand and appreciate your snark. In a world of almost institutionalized serious corruption, it’s always a pleasure to read your editorials and that you aren’t afraid to call crazy crazy. Congratulations to you on your win.

  5. I hope the complacent, uninvolved numbskulls who don’t bother to vote in NMB have learned a painful lesson. With absentee ballots so simple to obtain, there is simply no excuse for people to disregard our sacred civic duty. And make no mistake, it will happen again if we don’t stay involved and aware.

    1. “Every election is determined by the people who show up.” Larry J. Sabato


      “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” – Benjamin Franklin

  6. Amen! You couldn’t say it better, but this is just the start, we need to keep fighting to regain full control of ethics in our city. Transparency and accountability.
    Thank you all, it’s been a great race let’s keep going.

  7. The crime in our NMB will continue if we do not prosecute these criminals in our Government. I want to see these dirtbags who steal from the citizens of our city in handcuffs on the 6 PM News. In the good old days when The Miami Herald was powerful and had excellent investigative journalist, this corruption brought over from corrupt third world countries, would be rooted out and people would go to jail.
    The people in this city didn’t use to tolerate this. Those people have either died or moved out. My new neighbors, most who are recent immigrants don’t know what’s going on in our government and don’t vote.
    Someone needs to wake up the Citizens of North Miami Beach.

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