Paule’s next incarnation — “digital creator!” 🤡🤡🤡

On November 22, 2022, North Miami Beach voters said adios to the most corrupt elected official ever to sit on the dais at City Hall when they made Paule Villard a one-term Commissioner.

Paule’s fall from her self-constructed pedestal was a miraculous early Christmas present for the residents of North Miami Beach.

For the past four years, this shameless hussy has strutted around City Hall and beyond acting like a modern day Marie Antoinette.

Paule Villard is now well on her way to being inducted into the NMB Corruption Hall of Shame, following in the footsteps of convicted felons, Ex-Mayor Myron Rosner and Ex-Commissioner Frantz Pierre.  The only difference between those criminals and Paule Villard is that she hasn’t been convicted of her multitude of transgressions yet, but we’re doing our best to make that happen.

In the last four years, we were constantly amazed at Paule’s inability to tell the truth about, well, pretty much anything.  In an effort to appear important, she invented for herself imaginary qualifications, civil service ranks, and college degrees.

She never missed an opportunity to falsely claim she was a “retired Police Sergeant for (anywhere from 24 to 30) years,” or that she had a “Master of Science Degree.”

Neither were true.

What is true is her less than stellar career as a police officer for 21 years at the City of Miami, and that she refused to produce any college degree in response to our Public Records Request.

What’s also true is that Paule Villard is incapable of introspection and taking responsibility for her actions and blames everyone else for her self-inflicted problems.

She’s also one vindictive, evil bitch.

Case in point, as we reported in Race Card Paule and the dumbing down of the North Miami Beach City Commission, at the January 18, 2022 City Commission Meeting, Commissioner Barbara Kramer proposed the censuring of Paule Villard for “Misrepresenting Herself as Vice Mayor,” which lie she told on multiple occasions for months long after her temporary term as “Vice Mayor” expired, and for Paule’s deliberately breaking quorum at the July 20, 2021 City Commission Meeting in violation of Chapter II, Article I, Subsection 2-2.1 of the North Miami Beach City Charter.

Instead of acknowledging that she was wrong and sincerely apologizing, which is how normal human beings react to constructive criticism, Paule ignored her own wrongdoing  and immediately lashed out by calling Barbara a “racist.”

But, she didn’t stop there.

In retaliation for being criticized, the next month at the February 15, 2022 City Commission Meeting, Paule called for censuring Barbara for making “inflammatory and racially charged comments toward her colleagues on the commission.”

Paule also included in her censure Michael Joseph’s false accusation that Barbara called him “one third of a man.”

It didn’t matter than neither of her allegations were even remotely true, Paule was out for blood.  As expected, Paule and her three criminal co-conspirators, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean, went along with the lie by censuring Barbara for something that never happened.

Ironically, it’s really Paule Villard who’s the racist.

During the recent campaign, for example, Paule Villard told the audience on Haitian radio, “Haitians can’t get the benefits that the white people are getting,” and “I need people that live in your home to understand that if it’s not Haitians do not vote for them.

She also spent $25,000 of your tax dollars on a party to “honor” twenty-seven Haitian women who don’t even live in the City of North Miami Beach!   She threw in seven non-Haitian women for show, but the real reason for the gala was obvious.

As we all know, Paule Villard is probably the most clueless person you’ll ever have the misfortune of encountering.  She’s especially ignorant about how government works, which is pretty scary considering she was an elected official.

Take her $225,000 taxpayer-funded campaign stunt posing as a Publix gift card giveaway, for example.  This event was funded by the the Federal government’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

Educated people know that the government is not a business entity and has no means of self-funding.  Government at every level, including and especially the Federal level, is 100% funded by tax dollars.

Paule, on the other hand, seems confused by such a concept, and her ignorance is glaring.

In this hilarious Facebook video, paid for with your tax dollars, of course, she actually said on camera, “It’s ARPA money, madam.  It’s not taxpayer money.


For good measure, Paule added, And we are here to serve the resident with the money, the money, that the government sent to help the people.”

We’re not exactly sure where Paule thinks the money came from “that the government sent,” but it certainly didn’t grow on a money tree behind the White House.

Paule Villard has to have some serious post-election blues.

After all, she can now kiss goodbye to:

  • Her undeserved (and illegally voted on) commission salary of $51,250
  • A total of $26,500 in “discretionary funds”
  • Unlimited taxpayer-funded trips around the world
  • A police officer to chauffeur her anywhere she wants
  • All those city jobs she promised to her friends, family members, and campaign workers
  • Her plans to have the senior center named after her
  • Unlimited use of a taxpayer-funded P Card to charge whatever her heart desires

But, make no mistake.  Paule has big plans for a comeback!

She’s actually threatened to run for mayor in 2024.

That’s okay.  We’re ready.

In the meantime, however, Paule Villard has reinvented herself as — drum roll, please — a “digital creator!”

According to her revamped Facebook page, anyway.

Yeah, we hurt ourselves laughing.

Even more hilarious is Paule’s debut as a “digital creator” in the brand new Facebook Live she posted on November 25, 2022, three days after she lost the election, where she pretends to be a talk show host taking calls from listeners.

In her debut performance, she interviewed a young man from Haiti.  We have no idea why he called in, but she quickly made the entire “interview” about herself.

Surprised that he speaks English, she apologized for not showing her face because she hasn’t “done Live in a long time,” and she’s “laying down” and didn’t want her “face to be shown.”

She went on to tell him that she “likes to give the people [unintelligible] and you know, like, um, just a little Mon Cash and stuff and help people.”

When he told her he saw that she gives away money, Paule responded, “I used to do that a lot but I took a break.  I was running for, uh, I was running for commissioner.  I’m finished with the election I didn’t win, you know?  But now I’m back to normal.”

He tried to console her with religious platitudes but she wasn’t listening.

When she returned, Paule’s “normal” self told him how she really felt.

“I was a commissioner already, but, you know, somebody was worse than me because they were FIGHTING ME!  They were fighting me to get my position!  I just let them, they can take it!”

She took a breath, and continued, “So, I like to help people, I work with people.”

The young man tried again to console her by telling her she “deserved to help all the people, but that’s not enough to see someone’s coming in your life and trying to say something that can destroy you.  Mostly the Haitians, they have bad intentions?”

That was the opening Paule needed to let loose.

“Yeah, they do, they have bad intentions.  They just don’t like to see people succeeding.  You know they don’t want the good things.  They feel like all the fame is gonna be for you and then they want to hurt you.  You know it’s really sad.  Haitian people are hurting a Haitian, you know.  It’s just like we don’t know, don’t like each other.  We just want to hurt each other.  Most of the time, you know.  But, you know I pray, I’ll be fine.  I’ll be fine.”

Since when is the goal of serving the public about becoming famous?  It’s so pathetic how ignorant Paule Villard is about government!


It sure looks like Paule’s new career as a “digital creator” will be just as successful as her adventures in “law enforcement” and “public service.”

Don’t think for one minute that Paule’s blame game was just an isolated incident.

She’s still ranting and raving that “the Haitians” lost her the election.

Just today we received a copy of an audio recording that Paule sent to a WhatsApp group she formed for Haitian American voters in North Miami Beach, where she continued to blame “the Haitians” for her loss.


Here is the official translation of her message from Haitian Creole to English for your entertainment.

In Paule’s delusional mind, Jay Chernoff, a/k/a “the white man,” didn’t really win the election.

It was “the Haitians” who conspired against her.

Apparently, Paule Villard, who lost fair and square because she’s a pathetic, horrible, classless loser, is not taking her defeat well.

Too bad, so sad.

We also hear that her supporters on Haitian radio are “making a list of all the people in the community” who took down Paule.

What she plans to do with that “list” is anyone’s guess.

In the meantime, let’s all just savor the moment.

EX-Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is out of office.

The four-criminal majority on the dais has been extinguished.

NMB residents dodged a wrecking ball, but there’s still plenty of damage to undo.

Make no mistake, the new Commission is up to the task.

Meanwhile, if delusional Paule does decide to run again in two years, we’ll be ready for her.

We can hardly wait.


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17 thoughts on “Paule’s next incarnation — “digital creator!” 🤡🤡🤡

  1. She can try, but she won’t win, once we start unearthing all her stuff she’ll be a digital creator in Jail.
    And we have time to start looking for young honest motivated people who want to take charge of the city where they live.
    Those who do good will be rewarded those who don’t will be scalded.

  2. Good riddance
    Weren’t they calling that young Candidate Wrendly Mesidor and Herbert Dube whitewashed?
    Our city should have no forum for those racial discrimination discussions and name-calling.

    1. Yes, as Stephanie said, only one bum. We may have broken the voting block but there are still 3 commissioners up there who are determined to keep milking the city dry. Only two more years until we have an even bigger fight to win. Stay AWAKE NMB!!!

      1. Don’t be tricked by their sedated behavior coming up. They see the writing on the wall. Just remember, a tiger doesn’t change it’s stripes.

        1. I won’t be tricked and I won’t be fooled. These people are evil and I know they are desperate enough to do something stupid.

          Well, stupider than they’ve already done.

          In any event, we are ready for any trick they have up their corrupt sleeves.

  3. I can’t believe what I’m reading.
    Why is this a Hatian thing? Why can’t Haitians not approve of her? She makes it seem that if you’re from the same background and voting against one another, it must be that you’re hurting each other deliberately. Does she not realize that good people don’t support others just because you’re from the same country or your the same race? Does she not realize that her own kind have the intelligence to see who she is and vote against her corrupt and embarrassing behavior?

    You also keep mentioning she wasn’t a Sargeant and I agree with you, but when will the mainstream media like The Miami Herald recognize this? I cannot believe the articles I’ve read where they describe her policing background by including that title. Where’s their research? They certainly leave a lot to be desired. Thankfully you Stephanie, tell it like it is.

    Onward NMB!

  4. NMB is not done yet , there’s few employees that are all over the city appointed by the corrupts of NMB city commissioner that need to be out of the job “ friends and family of the corrupt government “… Including the Manager, the attorney… so new comisiónese need to get to work ASAP!

    1. The City Manager
      The City Attorney
      The City Clerk
      The Assistant City Manager
      The Code Enforcement Manager
      The IT Department
      That is a good start on day one

          1. Sorry, but the new commissioners will have to brown bag it. No food will be ordered until a thorough audit of the last two years will be done to see how much money has really been spent. You know Duke’s budget has lots of hidden gems to uncover.

          2. A forensic audit of the general fund, CRA and all other funds that the City Manager can access
            As well as a review of all Commission actions vs. ordinances, charter and other commission actions
            Then ordinances that limit any and all commissioner’s advertisement on any city functions including but not limited to giveaways, meetings, workshops, committees, and any other city functions which includes utilization of their names and/or photos on any and all advertisements, posters, social media, t shirts, hats, caps, tents, mailings, etc., etc., etc.

          3. At the swearing in last night, all of these items were mentioned as being stuff the new Commission wants to accomplish.

            I’m guessing it’s ALL on the table!

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