Village Idiot of the Day

Dr. Richard ChervonyAs if it weren’t laughable enough that the Village Idiot of Biscayne Park, Bryan Cooper, led the charge to interfere in the business of the City of North Miami Beach, the five Commissioners of North Bay Village have also weighed in to protest development in our city.

Included in the “Official Agenda” of the Commission Meeting held last night, October 8, 2013, is a Resolution introduced by Commissioner Dr. Richard Chervony, as follows:

North Bay Village Resolution
I can’t tell you whether or not the Commission voted for the Resolution since I have no idea if the local media even covers their meetings.  No article has been published about this “controversial” legislation as yet.  I’ll let you know when the news breaks.

To give you an idea how relevant the opinion of North Bay Village is to our own city’s economic growth and development, I decided to do a little research.

With a land mass equal to one third of a square mile, North Bay Village had the distinction of being the city with the “highest population density in Florida” with “20,267.13 inhabitants per square mile,” according to the 2000 Census, when the population was 6,733.  By 2010, the Village’s population grew to 7,137.  In terms of head count, North Bay Village ranks #24 out of Miami-Dade County’s thirty four municipalities.  Its land mass is only .033 square miles larger than the county’s smallest municipality, Town of Golden Beach, which has a population of 919.

In our remote corner of northeast Miami-Dade County, the Town of Golden Beach is one of four neighboring municipalities that have a direct economic impact on North Miami Beach.  The other three are Aventura, Sunny Isles Beach and North Miami.  None of the other four proposed any legislation condemning our city for wanting to catch up with them in terms of development.  In fact, it’s in the best interest of our neighbors for North Miami Beach to get with the program and start looking like a modern, progressive community.  Most visitors have to travel through NMB to get to the other four.  It would be a boon to all five if we stepped up to the plate.

It was humorous enough when the Village of Biscayne Park passed its Anti-Development in North Miami Beach Resolution.  That the peanut gallery of North Bay Village, almost nine miles from our most southern border by car, decided to pipe in is a complete riot.  I’m seriously ROFLMAO!

Congratulations, North Bay Village Commissioner Dr. Richard Chervony.  You are the Village Idiot of the Day!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

Updated 10/09/13 at 5:41 pm

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12 thoughts on “Village Idiot of the Day

  1. You would think the Miami-Dade County League of Cities would chastise these communities for getting involved in their fellow members business. This is beyond! It’s one thing to have tree huggers who think they know best, being involved in our city’s progress (resident tree huggers are not included as you do have every right to be involved), but for “not neighboring” communities or any municipality to meddle in our affairs is an OUTRAGE!

  2. I am quite sure Richard Chervony really has no interest whatsoever in this matter, and I am equally sure Bryan Cooper had no interest either. This really should be seen for what it is: political grandstanding. Whenever you see a resolution “supporting,” “opposing,” or “encouraging” anything, you can bet your bottom dollar that the individual introducing or sponsoring the legislation intends to use it on his/her next campaign flyer. The only actual impact of these frivolous resolutions is the complete and utter waste of time of the staff member tasked with drafting it, usually a high-paid city attorney. The officials who tack their names onto such items are merely jumping on a bandwagon to serve their own ends. NMB’s own council members are equally guilty, although they generally stay out of other cities’ affairs in their attempts to attach themselves to the cause du jour. Baggy pants, bath salts, candy cigarettes and restoration of felons’ rights come to mind.

  3. The North Bay Village Commission should be spending more time inspecting their restaurant floor decks and less time worrying about what is being built in North Miami Beach. If they had done so, there wouldn’t be any lawsuits against them for failing to inspect Shucker’s Restaurant by all the people who got hurt when they fell into Biscayne Bay.

    1. Gavilta Fish
      Get your facts straight. Don’t blame North Bay Village for a law that comes from Miami Dade County. NBV didn’t FAIL to inspect the deck, The DECK wasn’t part of the inspection. Wrong Yes, But that’s the law until changed!

  4. How does something like this even get brought up in another City’s Official meeting? Especially one that is so far removed from NMB. Maybe if they offer to pay what NMB would receive in tax revenues from the new progress it could be worthwhile.

  5. Don’t blame the rest of the commissioners in north bay village for one commissioners lame resolution. The others had to respond. Richard Chervony and the high priced attoney’s are the ones out of line here. Think before you lay blame on the rest for the Commissioner who stuck his nose where he shouldn’t.

    1. I think. Therefore I blog.

      Seriously, I don’t believe I was blaming the entire commission for the stupidity if the Village Idiot. I’m sure the rest of them are perfectly good elected officials. At least until proven otherwise. Also, I wouldn’t have found it necessary to even write about NBV if Chervony hadn’t involved himself in NMB’s business. I have no intention of minding NBV’s business in the future. You guys have your own excellent blogger. Carry on.

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