NMB Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s Christian-Only “Clergy Appreciation Brunch” violates the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights!

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

In guaranteeing freedom of religion, the Constitution prohibits the government from establishing a “state” religion and from favoring one religion over any other.

The Establishment Clause of the Bill of Rights more commonly known as “separation of church and state,” goes even further by stating, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

While both documents expressly protect our freedom of religion, it also guarantees our freedom from religion.

In Paule Villard’s criminal world, she thinks nothing of using North Miami Beach tax dollars to establish a “state” religion — HERS!

On April 27, 2022, she held a “Clergy Appreciation Brunch” at considerable cost to North Miami Beach taxpayers.

Despite the City’s Facebook post today that “all of the local faith leaders” attended, only Christian clergy were invited.

Not one Rabbi.

Not one Imam.

Not one Buddhist Monk.

Not one Hindu swami.

Well, you get the picture.

Paule opened her vanity project event by welcoming the audience to “the House of the Lord,” asks for an “Amen,” and promises “we are going to be praising, preaching, singing, PRAISING THE LORD!”


If this were truly an inclusive event to honor and appreciate local faith leaders, then leaders of ALL FAITHS would have been invited, and the prayers would have been non-denominational.

But, Paule the Racist keeps forgetting that North Miami Beach is a multi-faith, multi-cultural City.

All she cares about are people who look, sound, think, and pray just like her.

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard already violates numerous municipal and state laws.

No one should be surprised that she also violates Federal laws.

Vote this Criminal out in NOVEMBER!

In the meantime, it would be a damn shame if someone should file a complaint with the ACLU.

Just saying.


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9 thoughts on “NMB Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s Christian-Only “Clergy Appreciation Brunch” violates the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights!

  1. Will anyone be running against her? I can’t believe she represents our City. She’s disgraceful.

    1. As a matter of fact, there is. Jeb Handwerger is challenging this criminal for the People’s Seat on the dais. VotersOpinion will be endorsing Jeb and working hard to take him across the finish line. The hardest part will be to get NMB residents to wake up to the FACT that an organized crime ring is now running their City, and inspiring them to do something about it. Please consider volunteering on Jeb’s campaign and helping to get the word out. North Miami Beach can be restored to an ethical government agency if you can oust the Criminal Paule, and elect an honest public servant to win in the seat that Barbara is vacating.

  2. Hello Stepanie,

    You are a true Patriot.

    If the media of the USA were more like you, America would not in the dire situation it in today.

    Continue to expose the truth.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Lili,
      My name is Jeb Handwerger, I’ve lived in NMB for 18 years. I’m raising my family here.
      I’ve decided to run for office in our city because I really care about it and I’m concerned about the irresponsible spending going on and the free for all attitude I’m witnessing.
      I’m a very honest man, really. I’m principled and will do what’s right for our residents. We need to stop this wasteful spending, lower taxes, and be more in control of our city services.
      If you would like to meet for coffee sometime, I’d be happy to speak with you further about concerns and remedies.

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