Poking the Bear, Part III

It’s not difficult to outwit intellectually challenged people like Paule Villard.  After all, stupid people don’t know they’re stupid.

But you rarely get the opportunity to showcase their stupidity for an even wider audience than the safety bubble of their echo chamber.

The victory is even sweeter when someone with a Juris Doctor degree on his wall is so ignorant he injudiciously commits perjury in a Court of law.

When that opportunity rises, well, carpe diem.

In this final installment of our Poking the Bear series, we will reveal the delicious conclusion to our amusing eighteen-day journey into the alarmingly desolate minds of Paule Villard and her even more witless lawyer, Nixon Laroche.

For some reason unknown to the universe, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard woke up on March 16, 2022 and decided to file a frivolous Petition for Injunction for Protection against Stalking Violence against this blogger for the sole purpose of shutting me up.

Perhaps she was heeding the typically bad advice of the unethical, unprofessional, and incompetent North Miami Beach Interim City Attorney Hans Ottinot, who is currently earning Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand of your tax dollars a year to personally protect Paule and her three co-conspirators on the dais from the consequences of their criminal behavior.

Or perhaps she being guided by her taxpayer-funded personal campaign consultant, Willis Howard, who is now earning One Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand of your tax dollars a year to help run her campaign for re-election.

Or maybe, just maybe, she thought it up all by her lonesome because the voices in her head told her it was a good idea.

In any event, I had already suffered through six hours of hearings in front of Judge Christine Bandin, who I suspect didn’t care much for me, but who didn’t let her feelings interfere with upholding the law.

The fourth and final Zoom hearing took place on Monday, April 18, 2022, and by then I was no longer amused by Paule’s three ring circus act.

Right outta the box, Nixon Laroche kvetched to the Judge that I disobeyed her “order” to refrain from mentioning his client by posting a comment on Facebook about her.

My attorney, Michael Pizzi, had no idea what he was talking about and neither did I.

It turns out that I had commented on an April 11, 2022 post on Barbara Kramer’s Facebook page.

As you can see, I never mentioned Paule’s name, nor did I mention any details of the nonsense that I had been put through.

The Judge, however, was a tad annoyed and said something about my not being able to wait “four more days.”  I’m not sure what she meant by that because it had already been eighteen days since the last hearing, and a full week since I had posted the comment.

What’s really creepy is that the “offending” comment wasn’t even on my own Facebook page.

Nixon Laroche had to be literally stalking meand Barbara Kramer — in order to even find my comment among the 55 other comments on her random Facebook post.

Nevertheless, the Judge said she could see I was “obsessed with Ms. Villard,” which probably gave Paule a mental orgasm, and which completely ignored the fact that Paule’s lawyer was obsessed with me.

Had I been allowed to defend myself, I would have corrected the Judge by telling her I am obsessed with public corruption, and that I am determined to expose it regardless of the cost.

But the Judge moved on, and the subject was dropped.

In order to save the best line of questioning for the end of this blog, I’m going to skip forward to the part where Paule’s “witness,” Lesley Smiler Kaplan, had to admit that she’s never met me, has never seen me stalk, harass, or threaten Paule Villard, and judging by her answers, had no idea why he was even called to testify other than she thinks I’m a mean person and hates my blogs.

Of course, she had no problem with the blogs back in November of last year when she contacted me through my website and tried to enlist my help in her “quest for justice.”

As it turns out, Lesley is an elderly, disgruntled North Miami Beach resident who’s had a running beef with the City for alleged damage to her property years ago, which she referred to as “the crime committed against me by a previous city attorney along with the various city departments to cover up the damage done to my property years ago.”

She urged me to ask Barbara Kramer about it and about her “latest issue concerning my roof,” which she said “started under the previous City Manager and City Attorney.”

She ended her comment with “An orthodox member of the Jewish community, Lesley Kaplan”

I contacted Barbara, who told me that Lesley’s initial problem began over ten years, and three administrations ago.  Leslie never filed a lawsuit, which she may or may not have won, but that the matter is now way past the statute of limitations.  In the meantime, I’m told that Lesley, who appears to be a professional kvetch, has done nothing but complain to every elected and public official over the years, and has accomplished absolutely nothing except to carry a decade-long resentment.

Then in April of 2019, the Kaplans installed a new roof, which they claim continuously leaked from the start.  She contact the roofer, who tried to help her by coming out several times to make sure the roof was not leaking.  Whatever the problem was, he claimed it had nothing to do with his workmanship.  She also contacted the City’s Building Official, claiming it was the City’s fault for signing off on the final inspection.

Although a Building Official’s only job is to assess the structural quality and ensure compliance with zoning regulations and contract specifications, he went above and beyond to try to help the Kaplans with their problem, even though he had done his job correctly and her issue was not his responsibility.

Nevertheless on April 30, 2021, without the benefit of legal advice, she and her husband filed a Statement of Claim in County Court against the contractor, Contrera Roofing Corp. for $8,000.00.

Five months and 28 documents later on September 30, 2021, the Judge issued a Final Judgment in favor of the contractor.

Needless to say, Lesley is not a happy camper.

So of course, she became an easy target for Paule Villard, who preys on vulnerable members of the Orthodox Jewish community in order to garner votes for her re-election.

At the hearing, Lesley was called to testify against me for allegedly “threatening her life.”

The life of someone I’ve never met or even spoken to.

Seems legit.

So Nixon Laroche whipped out yet another Facebook comment he scrounged up from a February 11, 2022 Facebook post of Barbara Kramer’s, on which there were 64 other comments.

Laroche then asked me what I meant by “the next defamatory comment will be your last,” to which I had replied that if she kept it up I’d be filing a defamation lawsuit against her.

When prompted by him in her testimony, Lesley claimed that she took it as a threat to her life.

Of course, Laroche conveniently did not include all of Lesley’s previous comments that led up to my response, including her accusing me of being a “racist” and a “NAZI!”

In any event, like her imaginary beef with the City, Lesley Kaplan’s “testimony” against me was also not based in reality.

I had never met her.

I had never called, texted, or emailed her.

And I certainly didn’t drive nearly 20 miles to North Miami Beach to harm her in any way.

In fact, since the obscure February 11, 2022 Facebook “encounter,” I never had any contact with her again — virtually or otherwise.

In the end, Lesley Kaplan’s “testimony” added nothing of value to add to the proceedings, and I imagine she went back to her sad little world of kvetching and blaming everyone else for her problems.

Moving right along …

Now here’s the biggest bombshell of them all.

In my previous blog, Poking the Bear Part II, I described how Nixon Laroche repeatedly accused me of posting Paule’s address on my website, despite the fact that I kept insisting I did not.  Then he produced and screen-shared on the Zoom a Complaint that I had filed with the Florida Ethics Commission, in which her address was the subject of my allegation.  After several hours of attempting to find this document on my website so I could take it down, I eventually discovered that I had NEVER POSTED IT it in any blog whatsoever.  Period!

As soon as it dawned on me that I had been duped, I was furious and told Michael Pizzi he needed to do something!

On April 11, 2022, Pizzi filed a Motion For Sanctions and For Rule to Show Cause.  In this Motion, he wrote:

Villard and her attorney knew that that the document presented to the court was an Ethics Complaint that contained Villard’s home address.  They also knew that Kienzle never placed Villard’s address or the Complaint on her BLOG.

Knowing that Kienzle never placed any documents containing Villard’s home address on her BLOG, they proceeded to present the Court with this false information.

Both Villard and her lawyer had the unfettered and unlimited ability to access Kienzle’s BLOG and knew or should have known that Villard’s home address was NEVER placed on Kienzle’s BLOG.

His Motion also included a Memorandum of Law, which read:

According to the Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically Rule 4-3.3, Candor Toward the Tribunal:

(a) False Evidence; Duty to Disclose. A lawyer shall not knowingly:

(1) make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer;

(2) fail to disclose a material fact to a tribunal when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by the client;

(3) fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to the lawyer to be directly adverse to the position of the client and not disclosed by opposing counsel; or

(4) offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false. A lawyer may not offer testimony that the lawyer knows to be false in the form of a narrative unless so ordered by the tribunal. If a lawyer, the lawyer’s client, or a witness called by the lawyer has offered material evidence and the lawyer comes to know of its falsity, the lawyer shall take reasonable remedial measures including, if necessary, disclosure to the tribunal. A lawyer may refuse to offer evidence that the lawyer reasonably believes is false.

When Michael Pizzi began explaining that Paule’s lawyer falsely accused me of posting her address on my blog, Laroche burst in and immediately insisted …

Wait for it …

It’s a damn good thing my mute button was still on because I screamed at the monitor so loudly, the Judge could have heard me in Miami all the way from Davie.

Then I blew up Pizzi’s phone with text messages.

He’s f***ing lying!

He accused me of posting it on my blog!

He’s f***ing lying!

Ask for the transcript!

He made her address public when he screen shared it with the Court!

Ask for the transcript!

I’m walking out if he keeps lying!

Get the transcript of the hearing!


While I was fuming, Pizzi ignored me and calmly explained to the Court that I had spent hours searching through my website because Lying Lawyer Laroche (my words, not Pizzi’s) sat there and accused me of posting Paule’s address on my website.  He also explained that the document was a confidential Complaint that was never published anywhere.

The Judge then wanted to know how I got Paule’s address in the first place.

At that moment, I raised my hand and squirmed in my seat like Horshack on Welcome Back, Kotter.

The Judge finally turned to me and asked me to tell her how I got Paule’s address.

Oh, yeah!

This was my moment.  I was so ready.

I unmuted and unleashed.

“Your Honor, I would LOVE to answer your question.

For one thing, Paule Villard is an elected official in North Miami Beach.  Everyone knows where she lives.

But, more importantly, Paule Villard’s address is posted on the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser’s website.  It’s also posted on the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Court’s website due to lawsuits that she either filed or were filed against her.  The documents posted on the Clerk’s website include a Warranty Deed, a Mortgage, and other items that show her address.

Your Honor, it is not the responsibility of the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser to redact her address.

It is also not the responsibility of the Miami-Dade County Clerk to redact her address.

It’s certainly not MY responsibility to redact her address, even though I have done so as a courtesy on documents that I posted.

The responsibility for redacting Paule Villard’s address is hers and hers alone.  If her address is posted anywhere on the internet, she has no one to blame but herself.

Furthermore …”

Laroche tried to butt in, but I said, “Excuse me!  I am finally getting my chance to defend myself and you will NOT interrupt me this time!”

I closed by saying, “Your Honor, Mr. Laroche most definitely accused me of posting Ms. Villard’s address on my website.  I know this because I spent hours searching through my website’s media file so that I could delete it.  You watched me do this.  Why would I have done that if he never said I posted it?  HE’S LYING!

For good measure I added, “You should also know that by putting Paule’s address on the Zoom screen during this hearing, he’s the one who made it a public record.  Not me!”

And with that, I flipped my mute button back on as I smugly sent evil, but thoroughly satisfying thoughts to Lying Lawyer Laroche …

I don’t know about anyone else sitting in that virtual Courtroom, but I sure felt better once I got all those virtual F-bombs off my chest.

Even if they were only telepathic.

In Laroche’s closing argument, he repeated every single one of Paule’s and his lies about me in a desperate attempt to get the Judge to rule in their favor.

Despite Paule’s lies, emotional pleas, and Drama Queen performance, she failed to provide any evidence whatsoever that the criteria defined in Florida Statute 784.046 or Florida Statute 784.0485 were met.

She could not prove that she was a victim of repeat violence or stalking, because she was wasn’t.

She could not prove that she was being followed or threatened, because she wasn’t.

She had no legitimate reason to obtain an Order of Protection to restrain me from (a) going within 500 feet of her, (b) calling, emailing, texting, or messaging her through social media, or (c) going within 100 feet of the “motor vehicle” she no longer has since North Miami Beach residents are footing the bill for her taxpayer-funded personal chauffeur to drive her anywhere she wants to go 24/7 in her taxpayer-funded big, red SUV, which is fueled by taxpayer-funded gas from the taxpayer-funded City pumps.

Because I had never done any of those things.

Even the Judge had to repeatedly ask Laroche exactly what “relief” he was seeking.

And for the first time in the nine-hour, four-part proceeding, he was forced to tell the truth — he wanted the Judge to stop me from blogging about his client, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard.

Because she’s running for re-election and I’m exposing her criminal and unethical activity.

In the end Judge Christine Bandin followed the law and emphatically denied Paule’s fraudulent Petition.

In a desperate post-judgment plea, Lying Lawyer Nixon Laroche begged the Judge for a “30-day stay” so that he and his client could discuss whether or not to appeal.

Even the Judge was confused and asked, “I don’t understand.  A 30-day stay of what?  I’m denying your Petition.  You have a right to appeal if you like, but I’m issuing a Order of Dismissal.”

And that was that.

While this is the end of Paule Villard’s Big Misadventure in Circuit Court, her troubles are far from over.

In fact, they are only just beginning.

Stay tuned …


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