The Smell of Desperation

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean are desperate.

They’ve been furious ever since they lost their four-vote majority on the dais last November and their taxpayer-funded spending spree came to a screeching halt.

McKenzie and Daniela are especially enraged since they are unemployable, and the undeserved paycheck they receive from the City isn’t nearly enough to support them in the lifestyle they actually believe they are entitled to have.

Without a fourth vote, these three grifters won’t be able to throw taxpayer-funded $50K parties for their friends, take lavish taxpayer-funded vacations around the country, receive taxpayer-funded lifetime memberships in their racist organizations, or <gasp> run for re-election next year on taxpayer dime.

How do we know they’re desperate?

For one thing, they are still refusing to attend meetings, including executive sessions, CRA meetings, and of course, Commission meetings.

Daniela especially is having a very hard time, being “the only black female on this dais.”  Meetings are so hard for the poor dear.  She must really be missing her big sister.

Yeah, I know.  That should have come with a warning.


Michael Joseph’s sociopathy rears its ugly head when he’s desperate.  That’s when he assembles his “anonymous” cowardly surrogate army as a cover for his evildoing.

His favorite tricks include ghostwriting bogus “complaints” for his campaign workers to file against his political enemies, bombarding voters with fake racist texts, “anonymously” reporting social media posts by his adversaries, and having paid actors pose as NMB residents to voice their support of him at Commission meetings.

Michael Joseph, a/k/a “Marisa J,” has been reporting posts on the NextDoor app by anyone who supports Paule’s opponent.

Like the anti-Semitic “progressive” that he is, today Michael and his cowardly surrogate army kept reporting this blogger’s posts on Facebook as “spam” in the hopes of shutting up all dissent.

Next Tuesday’s Special Election for Mayor is Michael’s last hope to return to the nightmarish, two-year hell created in November of 2020, when Daniela Jean was elected.  While the Criminal Commissioners were having a grand old time nearly bankrupting North Miami Beach with their literal stealing of your tax dollars, residents were so disgusted by the outright corruption at City Hall, they voted Paule Villard out of office and sent her packing.

Although the four-criminal vote majority was finally broken, the three remaining miscreants were so devastated by Paule’s defeat, they continued wreaking havoc in the City.

They began by boycotting meetings for five months, while still collecting their exorbitant taxpayer-funded paychecks.

When they were finally Court Ordered to attend Commission meetings, the members of the organized crime ring, headed by the incompetent ex-City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot, called upon their like minded comrades in the the Haitian Lawyers Association to help them continue holding City business hostage to their racist agenda.

Besties Andre Pierre and Hans Ottinot grin like Cheshire cats at the swearing in of fellow Haitian Lawyers Association member, Markenzy Lapointe, as U.S. Attorney.

Since North Miami Beach residents were unwitting “donors” to this organization, the members of which judge others by the color of their skin and not the content of their character, Identity Politics on the dais was still the order of the day.

As soon they succeeded in getting rid of a Mayor who “doesn’t look like them,” the organized crime ring running North Miami Beach desperately needed to find a replacement who does.

Obviously lacking a suitable candidate, the criminals had no choice but to recycle last year’s garbage and get behind the most vile wench that ever warmed a seat on the Commission dais.

They don’t care that she has no class and even less intelligence.

They don’t care that she can’t even spit out a coherent sentence on any given topic.

They don’t even care that she’s the most despised public figure in North Miami Beach since Myron Rosner.

They only care that Paule’s election will give them back their coveted four-Criminal majority.

Paule Villard might be a complete moron, but she’s their moron.

She can be counted on to vote along racial lines, and that’s all that matters.

For Michael’s newest dirty campaign trick, he created a fake news website called “NMB Truth,” where he spouts his fictional tales of woe.

From behind the mask — as usual — Michael has been maliciously and falsely accusing anyone supporting Evan Piper of all kinds of imagined atrocities.

He falsely accused resident Keith Myers of being the author of Michael’s own racist text messages.

He accused the members of WakeUp NMB, the City’s newest non-profit civic association, of being “white supremacists.”

Mind you, these folks are black, white, Hispanic, Haitian, Asian, Pacific Islander, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and atheist.

But in the minds of Michael Joseph and his racist, delusional, cowardly army, these residents of North Miami Beach, are “white supremacists.”

What the Criminal Commissioners are forgetting is that the very people they are disparaging, insulting, and lying about are THEIR OWN CONSTITUENTS!

The very same constituents they’ll be begging for votes next November.

Yeah, that’s gonna backfire.

In the meantime, it’s time to take out the trash.

It’s starting to reek.


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10 thoughts on “The Smell of Desperation

    1. Because she probably doesn’t know. Unless someone files a motion to revisit her order, nothing will be done.

  1. We had enough of these games by the Haitian American commissioners. Your campaign of anonymous emails and text messages won’t win. Your time is up!

    Michael Joseph
    McKenzie Fleurimond
    Daniela Jean
    Must go!

    And they can take Paule Villard with them!

    1. The three Criminals are running for re-election next November. It’s time to start campaigning against them as soon as this election is over. They really need to go! Preferably, to jail.

  2. Trying to make this election a Democrat vs Republican thing to distract from the corrupt record of Paule Villard is desperate. Let the better candidate win, Evan Piper!

    1. Paule and her gang of thugs are bringing partisan politics to a nonpartisan election. She’s so stupid that she doesn’t know the difference. She’s even bashed Republicans in one of the articles. While NMB may not have many Republicans, it’s totally stupid of her to attack residents of the city she wants to be mayor of. Normal people know this is a mistake, but she’s not normal, and she doesn’t care. All she knows is that the vast majority of her supporters are Haitian, and the vast majority of them are Democrats. And that’s the only group she is even remotely interested in. She’s a racist and an anti-Semite, and I hope voters do the right thing and vote for a good person like Evan, instead of a criminal like Paule.

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