Driving Miss Paule

If this doesn’t infuriate you, nothing will.

Contrary to what North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard would have you believe, elected officials are mere mortals, who put their pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else.

But, according to Paule, she’s better than you.

This legend in her own mind actually thinks she’s the Queen of NMB!

In the real world, the principle role of a Commissioner is to set policy, which is done by enacting legislation, either in the form of Ordinances or Resolutions.

Nowhere in the City Charter does it say that Paule Villard is entitled to special privileges, such as a taxpayer-funded campaign manager, a taxpayer-funded personal attorney, or especially …

A taxpayer-funded Chevy Suburban chauffeured by a North Miami Beach Police Officer, who waits on her hand and foot.

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard actually believes she’s entitled to all this and more — at your expense, of course!

Grab a barf bag and watch this obscene abuse of YOUR MONEY:

Think about this.

Every single taxpayer-funded hour that North Miami Beach Police Officer Jerry Hamilton is Driving Miss Paule around town, to and from her personal errands, while helping her mount and dismount his taxpayer-funded SUV, powered by taxpayer-funded gas at the City pumps, is an hour that he’s not Protecting and Serving the taxpaying residents of North Miami Beach.

If you’re infuriated, don’t bother complaining to the corrupt City Manager, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, because he doesn’t care.

He doesn’t care about your opinions.

He doesn’t care about your concerns.

He doesn’t care about YOU.

Duke Sorey’s only JOB is to do the bidding of Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard and her fellow Criminals on the dais who bought and paid for him — with your tax dollars.

Elections have consequences.

The only way to stop the insanity and get rid of her obscene abuse of power is to …


If you’re not infuriated, you get the government you deserve.


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32 thoughts on “Driving Miss Paule

  1. Wowwww, but she thinks she is Cinderella , just the look on her face and the way she handed her hands omg lol what in the world is this !!!!!!! What other city allows this ? Tax dollars flying !!! What’s the budget now , how much money have this criminals thrown away by now ? Incredible how hard we all have to work and pay taxes so this Oh My God ay mi madre lady can drive around the city of NMB in a $ 100 thousand Flashy Red SUV with a private driver that should be working for the community not for her !!!! Send this to the Miami Herald, to all the local channels this is a disgrace that the city let this happen!!! Voters here is your money this is only what you can see imagine what you don’t see ! Vote her out !!!!!

    1. Paule thinks this is normal behavior for a local elected official of a small (43K residents/5 square miles) municipality. It is truly obscene!

      Don’t forget that she “won” her run-off election in 2018 with 1,746 of the 2,765 ballots cast in a city where roughly 20,000 people are registered voters, yet only 8.7% of them bothered to cast a ballot.

      Voter apathy is how you get criminals like Paule elected.

    2. This is what happens when the news is playing “politics “ and playing one sided party. We will all be domed if it continues. People should be able to have a voice on both sides. Will this too be swept under the carpet. Full audit for every penny should be available to tax payers and not under administrative costs.

  2. This looks like a professional video, so I ask, what’s that all about? Is this actually the job of the police officer or is he just portraying a part for some propoganda film? The whole scene is strange with her coming and going and nothing else to see.

    1. The entire video (which you can see here: https://www.facebook.com/contrastehaiti/videos/713813356556993), was produced by an organization called Contraste Haïti. I downloaded the video and edited it to just showcase her royal entrance and exit.

      The police officer in the video is Jerry Hamilton, a veteran officer of the NMBPD, who is scheduled to retire in the next several years. He is one of two Sergeant at Arms, a position created by Duke to literally chauffeur the criminals around town. The other position is being filled by Wiren Norris, a former Miami Gardens cop hired as a “Police Commander” by Duke on October 14, 2021 at an hourly rate of $54.8078, or $114,000 a year.

      The next time you pay your real estate taxes, think about how much of it is going to pay Paule Villard’s personal chauffeurs. The next time you fill up your tank at $4.29 a gallon, think about how Paule Villard gets driven all around Miami-Dade County and beyond (no joke!) without having to pay a penny for gas.

      The real question here is: Are you being served or are you serving the nobility?

      Let that sink in.

  3. Genius, you have a whole video. What the heck is going on in NMB? Does anyone higher up even read your articles?
    This is a joke and needs to be reported.

    1. NMB is now a cesspool of corruption. Once the four Criminals had their voting bloc in place, they handpicked the most inept manager and attorney in the entire State of Florida to run the City. The Criminals don’t care about incompetence or corruption — after all, that’s who they are. All they care about is spending as much tax dollars as they possibly can as fast as they can. Their end goal is to recreate NMB in their own image. This is not hyperbole. I will be explaining why and how they plan to do this. It’s absolutely evil and destructive. Then again, they don’t care. All they care about is staying in office by any means necessary, because to them, being an elected official is having “power.” They have no idea what public service means, nor do they care. Palm greasing is involved. More will be revealed. Stay tuned.

  4. At first I thought how humiliating it must be for that police officer to be assigned to the task of chauffeur but after you clarified that he is a Sargeant At Arms I figured he likes that cushy job. I wonder what his co-workers think of him watching that shit show from the sidelines. And what’s with her pink “tutu”? Someone should urge Chief Rand to run for the commission in the next election, and start building a coalition now.

    1. Chief Rand can’t run because he doesn’t live in NMB now.

      As for the “Sergeant at Arms,” I can’t even imagine having a long, honorable career in law enforcement and then end up having to literally chauffeur around that moron as if she were a VIP. And have it documented publicly on video no less!

      Not sure if Jerry Hamilton had to take that gig or volunteered for it, but either way, it’s gotta be as humiliating as fuck. He may as well retire now and go off somewhere to lick his … wounds. I was about to say balls, but he apparently forgot where he put them.

      1. Jerry Hamilton had a heart transplant back in 2019/2020 so I wouldn’t go degrading him like that. He is grateful to be alive as I’m sure he is to have a job that he can retire from. On every other opinion/statements regarding the corruption, I fully agree on.

        1. I’m sorry to hear that about Officer Hamilton. He may not have had a choice. But, Paule is abusing the policy. She abuses everything (including the Miami-Dade Court system, which will be revealed in due course), so she does not get a pass.

  5. Thank you for revealing this. I still say someone higher up in authority needs to look at this. It seems they need to look at a lot.

    1. I’m doing my best by reporting their criminal behavior to every agency I can think of. Some of my complaints are under investigation, and I’m hoping for the best.

      The Miami State Attorney won’t do a damn thing because she has already directed her agency, as well as the Ethics Commission, that Haitians are a “protected class.” Yes, you read that correctly. As soon as I found out about that, it finally made sense why these criminals have been getting away with everything short of murder. The only way to get justice is to file complaints with agencies outside of Miami-Dade County, where violations of laws are taken more seriously. The trick is to figure out which agency has jurisdiction over which crime. It’s a bit frustrating at first, when one agency writes back saying the complaint is outside its jurisdiction, but eventually you’ll figure out which agency covers which laws.

      The point is never give up. As members of the public, we have the right to hold public officials accountable for their actions, no matter how much they whine, and no matter how many times we’re laughably called “racist” to get us to stop. Unfortunately for the four Criminal Commissioners, their corrupt manager, their even more corrupt (and incredibly stupid) city attorney, I don’t give a crap. They can’t stop me from doing my civic duty to hold them accountable and it pisses them off to no end.

      Hans especially has the thinnest skin of any public official. He really fucked up this time. He seems to think we’re still on the Little League field where he unsuccessfully tried to change the rules and bully me into submission.

      Hey, Hans. It didn’t work back then, and it certainly won’t work now. Just remember, there’s no crying in baseball.

  6. Yet another unbelievable story of the wasteful spending here. It’s not only wasteful, but obnoxious and insulting. And her smirking, doesn’t she realize how distasteful this is? Above all.

    1. She literally has no idea how inappropriate and distasteful this is. Seriously! She comes from a third world country where this type of ostentatious behavior from corrupt politicians is the norm. To criminals like her, this is normal.

  7. Who paid to produce this video? Was it bidded out? Did it come out of her discretionary fund? Why does this video exist? What was her intention? Why are we paying for her escort service? Yes, it is infuriating!

    1. I don’t think the City paid for the video. It appears to be a propaganda piece commissioned and paid for by some “non-profit” or something that showcases Haitian politicians.

      The escort service, as you put it, is taxpayer-funded. If you’re infuriated, DO SOMETHING! There’s a meeting Thursday night. Say something at public comment.

      I did a public service by exposing this corruption, but it’s up the residents of NMB to demand action.

      1. Sadly, the residents of NMB are a sleepy bunch. It’s the same dozen or so that show up to the council meeting to air their personal pet peeves. The antics of this City Commission will require a PAC made up of concerned residents set out to educate the entire City of what’s going on. As you say Steph, “elections have consequences,” as does the “devil may care” attitude. After having served the City and residents for almost 30 years, I am saddened, yet not surprised, at what is going on.

  8. Someone needs to track down that other 91.3% and spoon feed these issues to them. Somehow incite them into voting these people out. The enormous amount of work done by Stephanie to research these activities, sit down and post them should inspire some good governance people over there to help her out.

    1. We’re going to have to make it happen Cheryl, I agree and am in touch with Stephanie. We need candidates and then an army.

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