Paule Villard’s never ending summer vacation. Courtesy of North Miami Beach taxpayers, of course.

As soon as she returned from her taxpayer-funded $5,109.72 Vegas vacation, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard once again whipped out her taxpayer-funded Purchasing Card (P Card) on June 13, 2022 to charge $145.50 at U-Haul of North Miami Beach, which is a curious purchase indeed.

We have no idea what she was hauling, but she did rack up seven “U-Haul Tolls and Citations” totaling $15.00.  Three of those tolls were billed on July 1, 2022, according to her Bank of America P Card Statement dated July 5, 2022, and the other four were billed on July 18, 2022, according to her P Card Statement dated August 5, 2022.

Considering there are no toll booths in North Miami Beach, Paule must have taken her taxpayer-funded campaign circus on the road outside the City, but not before fueling up on June 14, 2022 when she charged $21.80 worth of gas at the Murphy Express gas station before she took her show on the road.

On July 1, 2022, Paule also charged two airline tickets for travel to Salt Lake City on July 7, 2022 for $113.35 plus an additional $33.00 to upgrade, and another one for a return flight from New Orleans on July 10, 2022 for $267.50.  We have no idea why she went there, or how she got from Salt Lake City to New Orleans, because there are no other charges on her taxpayer-funded P Card in either of those cities.  We do intend to find out.

It’s possible she actually paid for hotels and meals out of her own pocket, but that would be a first.

Paule then capped off her taxpayer-funded summer travel itinerary with a trip to Haiti, where she stayed at the luxurious northern coastal resort, Hotel Satama, from July 23, 2022 through July 30, 2022.

We don’t have all the charges for this trip yet, but according to the August 5, 2022 P Card Statement, she charged $1,102.49 to Spirit Airlines for a plane ticket in the name of Paule Germain, which is the last name of the second husband she divorced more than a decade ago.  Paule also charged $920.00 to someone or something called “BUTEAU, BERTRAND CAP HAITIEN” on July 23, 2022.

In the meantime, we did make a public records request on July 30, 2022 for all the gory details, including the total cost of Paule’s Haitian vacation, and we’ll report back as soon as we can.

Of course, money is no object for Paule the Narcissist as long as she had a grand old time on your dime.

But, that’s not the worst of it.

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard actually ordered North Miami Beach Assistant Police Chief Ervens Ford to accompany her as her personal bodyguard.

On your dime.

Yes, you read that right!

While in Haiti, Paule appointed herself as the “official” Ambassador to Haiti on behalf of the North Miami Beach Police Department for the purpose of spending even more of your tax dollars on the “partnership, cooperation and local development” with the police department of Cap-Haïtien.










Naturally, our public records request included “All documentation, including emails and memoranda, regarding a “partnership and cooperation” between the North Miami Beach Police Department and the government and/or police department of Cap-Haïtien.”

Which is just a four hour drive from Paule’s hometown of Saint-Louis-du-Nord.

Of course, Paule Villard didn’t come up with this scheme all by herself.

As she does with every single “idea” she comes up with, she stole this one from the City of North Miami, home of the “Sister City” racket.

North Miami elected officials “adopt” cities all over Haiti wherever their families live, just so they have an excuse to travel there under the pretense of “partnership and cooperation” with a “Sister City.”

By now you’ve hopefully figured out that as North Miami goes, so goes NMB.

As expected, when Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard came back from her taxpayer-funded vacation to Haiti, she sponsored a Resolution at the August 16, 2022 City Commission Meeting to “to honor and create a special relationship between the City of North Miami Beach, Florida and Cap-Haitien in the country of Haiti.”

And of course, her Resolution passed with the usual four votes on the dais by Paule and her co-conspirators, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean.

Expect frequent trips by Paule to Cap-Haïtien from now on.

Expect more Resolutions for more “Sister Cities” in Haiti to come down the pike.

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s taxpayer-funded summer vacation season may be almost over, but she’s already kicking off her taxpayer-funded fall vacation itinerary next week with a taxpayer-funded trip to Colorado!

We’ll fill you in on all the details in a future blog.

In the meantime, if you want to stop this outrageous, in-your-face grand theft of your hard-earned tax dollars …



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12 thoughts on “Paule Villard’s never ending summer vacation. Courtesy of North Miami Beach taxpayers, of course.

  1. How does she get away with this. Where are the authorities? Something doesn’t add up when she has charges for airline tickets for Salt Lake City and New Orleans, but no other charges in either city. Also, shouldn’t the city discuss a Sister City program and vote for a program before actually pursuing it?
    Vote this woman out of office. She’s a spendthrift and thinks she can win votes by giving away Publix gift cards. I hope Jay Chernoff uses your investigative reporting to campaign.

  2. I believe the ‘sister city’ item was moved to the consent agenda (not 100% certain without going back to the meeting recording), along with lots of other items, at the August commission meeting – no discussion or public response allowed! Of course, anyone who speaks up against an idea like this would be called a racist.

    1. Of course, they would. Anyone who disagrees with the criminal regime on any topic whatsoever is a “racist.”

      They have relegated the word “racist” to the basement of archaic insults alongside words like dotard, fopdoodle, and slumgullion.

      Pay no mind to the babel.

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