Stupid Paule Tricks, Act II

If you want to be a professional liar, you need to be smart enough to cover your tracks.

Unfortunately, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner is as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Like her mentor, Former Commissioner/Current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre, Paule Villard is without a doubt a pathological liar, but her inherent stupidity trips her up every time.

When Paule isn’t injuring brain cells to come up with meaningless legislation to “express support” for something, she’s busy trying to promote herself by making up “accomplishments” she never achieved.

At a moment’s notice, she’s prone to embellish the details of former “career” as an alleged police officer for the City of Miami.

According to her City of Miami employee file Paule Villard was hired by the Police Department on December 21, 1993 and appointed as a permanent Police Officer on November 5, 1994.  She retired twenty one years later to the day she was hired on December 21, 2014.

Her retirement document states that she separated from the City of Miami on December 21, 2014 as a POLICE OFFICER.”

But that’s not the ever-evolving story she likes to tell.

Miraculously, her 21-year “career” as a Police Officer morphed into 28 years a “Ret. Police Sergeant” in a 2018 YouTube campaign video when she ran for office.

When we first exposed this particular lie in January of 2019, she changed the audience of her video from “public” to “private” so you can no longer view it.  Nevertheless, at minute 2:50 of that video, she further embellished her story by claiming, “I was a police officer for 30 years.”

Once in office, she created a fictional biography for the City’s website, advertising that she “Retired from the City of Miami Police Department as a Police Sergeant after working there for over 24 years.”

As recently as August 14, 2021 she also posted on her Facebook page the lie that she is a “retired police sergeant.”

But the biggest whopper by far, which we recently discovered, is the hilarious profile she created for her LinkedIn account.

Like magic, she’s suddenly a “Police Corporal at the “Miami Police Deppartment.”

She also added another six years to her “career,” claiming she’s been a Corporal at the “Miami Police Deppartment” since February, 1987.

Her bio also lists a Master’s degree from Barry University, and that she was a member of the Zeta Phi Betha Sorority.

Aside from the fact that Paule can’t even spell the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority that she’s allegedly a member of, there is no chapter at Barry University.

But, hey, she’s a granmother.

Even more hilarious, despite the fact that she can’t even spell the word “Department,” she claims that she has a “Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education,” and that she “Developed Reading program to help youth increasing their vocabulary and develop a love for literacy.”

If this illiterate, ignorant moron somehow got her paws on a Master’s degree, she had to have paid someone to attend Barry University while pretending to be “Paule Villard.”

Because there is no way that someone who can’t even spell the word “department” could possibly get through college in four years, much less a two year grad program.

Then again, chances are she’s even lying about her education.

Just saying.



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6 thoughts on “Stupid Paule Tricks, Act II

  1. It’s amazing how the city of North Miami Beach has been promoting her only for all of this events such as Father’s Day, etc on our tax dollars.

    The more they keep pumping and promoting this the more disgusted I am and my family members.

    And thank you for letting us know the truth,
    We see now what kind of bully the city manager and some of those other commissioners are.

    I keep watching at home on my computer the city meetings and so do my neighbors and we’re all disgusted to see how the so-called vice mayor McKenzie is disrespecting the current mayor.

    Every time the mayor wants to do something as far as voting they vote against him, every time the they want something to pass they vote all four.

    This open bullying is going to stop our neighbors are getting together we are sick and tired of this and we’re going to vote her out..

    Please keep us updated when you have a list of the new candidates we would love to meet with them.

    We are a huge fan of your blog cuz you say the truth.

    Matthew and Lisa

    1. Thank you.

      McKenzie is an obnoxious little twerp who needs to be knocked down a few pegs. I have plenty of dirt on him for when he runs again.

      It’s one thing to get your friends and neighbors to vote, but it’s another thing getting quality candidates to actually step up and run. Talk to your people and see if anyone is interested.

      Paule is definitely running on taxpayer dime. I have the receipts and I will be focusing on posting them in the coming months so you can see just how many of your tax dollars are being donated to her campaign. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!

  2. Where is the Mayor in all this to say something, and the State Attorney?

    Corruption is rampant because those that should be stepping up that in power to do something are not.

    I hope they are reading your blog!

    1. Oh, they read the blogs alright.

      They hate me LOL!


      The Mayor is doing his part to fight the corruption. Unfortunately, the State Attorney has dropped the ball.

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