Paule Watch: NMB’s Legacy of Liars Continues

Four years ago we warned the voters of North Miami Beach that a vote for Paule Villard was a vote for Frantz Pierre 2.0.

Fortunately, they paid attention and re-elected the incumbent Councilwoman, Marlen Martell.

During the 2015 election we correctly surmised that Frantzie plucked Paule Villard from obscurity, took her under his wing, and groomed his protégé to run against his colleague on the dais.

Frantzie and Paule both ran identical campaigns right down to their matching “Absentee Voter” mailers.


Frantzie Flyer Side 1Paule Flyer Side 1Frantzie Flyer Side 2Paule Flyer Side 2

As laughable as it sounds, Frantzie was the “brains” behind their carbon copy campaigns.

Villard’s “claim to fame” was the fact that she was a retired police officer.  Of course, we here at VotersOpinion did our homework and exposed her lackluster career at the City of Miami Police Department.

For those of you unfamiliar with Paule Villard’s personal history in law enforcement, we shall recap our findings.

During her 21 year tenure, she received five written reprimands for serious infractions including insubordination, bypassing the chain of command, making unauthorized purchases, and abandoning her post without permission.

After reviewing her employee file, we discovered that even before she was hired as a police officer on December 21, 1993, Paule Villard had been employed as a Public Service Aide and then as a Clerk I with the Miami Police Department for approximately six years.  During that time, as we reported, Villard received nine performance evaluations comprised mostly of middle-of-the road ratings of “Satisfactory,” with quite a few “Improvement Needed” marks, mostly in the areas of Quality of Work, Dependability, and Knowledge of Work.

In her December, 1987 evaluation, her supervisor noted, “PSA Villard needs improvement in two key categories that impact on her job responsibilities.”  She apparently showed poor judgment for “leaving her post without advising this supervisor and being gone for 1/2 hour” and “for looking at merchandise that was for sale while on duty behind the counter.”

The very next month, Villard received a reprimand for “failing to turn in evidence promptly,” with her supervisor noting, “If she would have done her job property, this incident would have not have occurred.”

Even worse, as we reported, six months later, her Semi-Annual Evaluation for the period ending June 30, 1988 noted that she still “Needed Improvement” in the area of Dependability for “failing to turn in evidence promptly,” and “failing to return to work after a week in Haiti.”  Shortly after that evaluation, PSA Paule Villard received a suspension of “Leave of absence without pay for seven (7) days.”

Her next Semi-Annual Evaluation was even worse.  For the period ending December 31, 1988, her supervisor noted that “PSA Villard has fallen below expectations this rating period.  She doesn’t appear to have grasped the requirements of the job in the noted areas.  This is evident in her lack of cooperation and in her following written and oral directions.”  Her supervisor specifically noted, “On December 25, 1988, P.S.A. Villard came into work 2 hrs. and 10 min. late, and after being directed to complete her tour of duty by a superior, she left her assignment approximately 3 hours early.”

And yet, the City of Miami still hired Paule Villard as a police officer on December 21, 1993.

Despite her five written reprimands, Officer Villard’s heroism in the face of danger did not go unnoticed.

During her 21-year career at the Miami PD, Paule Villard was awarded these six commendations for serving and protecting the public:

  • On October 29, 1997, for … coordinating the local NFL/Gatorade Punt, Pass & Kick Tournament.
  • On October 16, 1998, for … helping to organize the department’s 2nd Annual “Senior Talent Show.”
  • On April 8, 1999, for … planning the first of three elementary school talent shows, which she planned on her own initiative.
  • On April 23, 2003, for … reading stories, singing songs and talking about safety and the responsibility of being a police officer, during National Library Week.
  • On July 30, 2003, for … helping organize the department’s “Take Your Daughters/Sons to Work Day.”
  • On February 18, 2004, for … visiting Morningside Elementary School.

Even Paule’s fellow officers at the Miami Police Department acknowledge her accomplishments on LEO Affairs:

And as of November 27, 2018, this oh-so-courageous former police officer was sworn in as a North Miami Beach Commissioner.

And, like her mentor, Frantz “Soon-to-be-Convicted-on-Eleven-Felony-Counts” Pierre, Paule Villard publicly proved at the March 19, 2019 Commission meeting that she is nothing but a liar.

During City Commission Reports at Tuesday night’s Commission meeting, Villard read from a prepared speech several allegations of unethical and illegal acts that she deemed were committed by City Clerk Pamela Latimore.  Although every single one of her complaints are completely and unequivocally false (which we will discuss in a future blog post), what got our attention was her reference to “the blogger” during the course of her rant.

Here’s the thing.

This blogger has absolutely nothing to do with Villard’s beef with the City Clerk.

In fact, we have had absolutely nothing to do with anything that goes on in North Miami Beach whatsoever for a very long time.

For the record, our most recent blog about North Miami Beach was published on November 24, 2018.

Since then, we have largely ignored the events taking place in a city that less than a year ago was the crown jewel of northeast Miami-Dade County until it began its downward spiral into the Abyss of Lost Causes after the forced resignation of former Mayor George Vallejo.

Things in North Miami Beach got progressively worse after the unelected (and temporary) seat fillers on the dais conspired to destroy all vestiges of success in North Miami Beach by firing the City Manager and City Attorney, only to hire lesser qualified, inferior replacements one week before the municipal election, and foisting them on the soon to be elected Mayor and Commission.

NMB’s only hope for redemption was the landslide election victory of Anthony DeFillipo as Mayor.  Unfortunately, it soon became painfully clear that Tony had absolutely no support from his colleagues, and especially from the newly appointed City Manager Esmond Scott, all of whom have been doing everything in their power to undermine Tony and halt all progress in the city.

But, we digress.

Enter Paule Villard, who aims to put the final nail in the NMB coffin by getting rid of the last competent charter employee, City Clerk Pamela Latimore, by applying the exact same tactics used by her mentor, Frantz Pierre – making false accusations with absolutely no proof whatsoever.

She launched into her tirade at the Commission meeting with a fictional tale about the “wrongdoings” of the City Clerk, and concluded her histrionic rant by lying about her own employment history.

Reading from the last paragraph on page 3 of her prepared speech, Villard said at the meeting on the record, “… I was a law enforcement officer for twenty-eight years…”


According to her law enforcement record, Paule Villard was certified as a police officer on November 24, 1993 and hired as a police officer by the City of Miami on December 21, 1993.  She retired twenty one years later to the day on December 21, 2014.  Inexplicably, her police certification expired on June 30, 2014 – a full six months before she retired.

As you can clearly see, Paule Villard was a police officer for only 21 years, and not 28 years, as she stated at the Commission meeting.

Then again, this wasn’t the first time Paule Villard has lied about her years in service.

In a YouTube campaign video posted on August 25, 2018, at minute 2:49 she actually claimed, “I was a police officer for thirty years.”


Although lying on the campaign trail is pretty much what politicians do in order to get your vote, it’s a completely different story once they’re elected.

Article (A)2 of the Miami-Dade County, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Part I, CITIZENS’ BILL OF RIGHTS reads:

“Truth in Government. No County or municipal official or employee shall knowingly furnish false information on any public matter, nor knowingly omit significant facts when giving requested information to members of the public.”

Clearly, public officials who lie to the public are violating county laws.

We’re hoping that Jose Arrojo, Executive Director of the new and improved Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, agrees.

In the meantime, if Paule Villard can so cavalierly lie about something as inconsequential as the number of years she was (kinda, sorta, but not really) a police officer, it makes you wonder what other lies she tells.

Well, wonder no more.

VotersOpinion is on the case.

And we will stop at nothing to uncover the truth and report back to you our findings.

In the meantime, the next time Paule Villard decides to gratuitously trash “the blogger” in a public forum for no apparent reason, she might want to ask El Portal Mayor Claudia Cubillos and former North Bay Village Attorney Norman C. Powell how that worked out for them.

Just saying.


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20 thoughts on “Paule Watch: NMB’s Legacy of Liars Continues

  1. “all of whom have been doing everything in their power to undermine Tony and halt all progress in the city”

    I question your assumption of intentions. The results of their actions may prevent progress, or development, or w/e, but you don’t really substantiate this claim. They might very well just be extremely incompetent, which could have the same result.

    1. You have to understand the dynamics of what’s going on up on that dais. George Vallejo was almost single-handedly responsible for putting North Miami Beach back on the map after decades of stagnation under previous administrations. Several former and current commissioners were envious and resentful since they couldn’t get the job done before he became mayor. This commission has been hell bent on destroying all vestiges of George Vallejo, including and especially Tony, who was George’s closest ally. The unintended consequence, of course, is that they are undoing all the progress that was made in the last five years. If they’re not doing this intentionally, then it’s simply because they’re too stupid to realize the destruction they are causing. It’s such a shame they can’t see the proverbial forest for the trees.

      1. Not sure what “inferior replacement” Esmond Scott has to do with this. He seems to have been supportive of the new mayor, and all the new commissioners. Am I missing something?

        1. Esmond Scott may support six of them up there, but he has not supported the Mayor at all. There are a lot of things he’s done wrong, most of them due to inexperience as a manager, but some of them for political reasons. I will be blogging about all of it in due course.

          1. Hi Stephanie!
            I’m very interested in hearing what is going on with the city of NMB. I saw on the City of NMB FB page that someone who is running the page- actually had the audacity to undermine the Republican Party with a jab they posted. It was really unprofessional. I’m an Independent but with the way these lunatics are acting- I will be voting all RED. I’ve been trying to find out if these candidates will have their “parties” listed on their ballots- I need to be sure because I will not vote for any of these people. Is the mayor a democrat too? It seems he has erased any sign of his party. Not sure why.

  2. First Steph we do need to set one item straight Tony was not George’s staunchest ally that would have been Marlen. Tony was 1B. But let’s get to main part of the blog. Paule was joined at the hip with Frantz, aka Inmate 178547, in past elections. Not only where there mailers identical, they where also printed at he same time on the same sheet of paper, dumpster diving pays off.
    The one item you didn’t bring up was that Paule disappeared for 3 months from her job of reading to children and never notified her superiors. When they wrote her up she filed a grievance stating that she was in Haiti and could not contact them. I guess they do not have phones, faxes, the internet, snail mail or carrier pigeons there.
    Also remember how she ran her campaigns. Commercial signs on residential properties, not able to accurately file financial paperwork, sign sizes. Guess it doesn’t matter what rules, regulations or laws you break as long as the end result is on your favor. Do you know if she ever paid the Florida Election Commission fine that was assessed against her for some of these transgressions.

    1. You know, I thought of Marlen as I was typing it, but since she’s no longer on the Commission (unfortunately), I was referring to the one who is still there.

      I recall all of Villard’s campaign violations from 2015, including the fine assessed by the FEC. I assume she paid it; however, I will try to find out if that’s the case.

      In any event, she played the same dirty campaign tricks employed by Frantz “Weasel” Pierre in every election since 2007 until he was arrested on eleven felony counts and removed from office by the Governor. And yes, that was a beautiful thing!

      Word on the street is that the Weasel is still behind the scenes playing her like a violin in an attempt to still have control over the Commission. I would not be surprised if that were the case. Both are losers, and both deserve each other.

      Unfortunately, NMB is stuck with Paule Villard for the next four years unless she is recalled or somehow removed from office by the Governor. One can only hope.

  3. So it seems like she did the bare minimum as a police officer and I’m not encouraged that she’ll do anymore for the citizens of NMB. As for Tony, he’s not the sharpest tool in the toolbox but that’s another story.

    1. Based on her actions so far, it appears that Paule’s objective as an elected official is to award people with proclamations and keys to the city. Maybe she’s already campaigning for re-election. Or something.

  4. Why are we talking about “allies” still on the commission when no one is accusing them of public corruption? Or did I miss something?

    Pierre was a snake. George made a mistake.

    Villard needs to be watched. Tony needs help.

    1. Lying to the public from the dais is a violation of the Citizen’s Bill of Rights, which is a form of corruption.

      Then again, Phyllis has been lying about everything that pops into her empty head since the 2007.

      Frantz Pierre was another one who lied to the public and, like Paule is now doing, he constantly made false allegations accusing his colleagues and city employees of corruption. We now know he did this to take the focus off his own corruption.

      No one should be surprised that she’s pointing a finger at the City Clerk. This is right out of Frantzie’s playbook. He apparently taught her well.

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