The Lies and Crimes of Paule Villard

If North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard would ever utter a truthful word, jaws would drop, traffic would come to a screeching halt, and birds would fall out of the sky in shock.

Luckily, there’s no danger of that happening.

Paule Villard is congenitally incapable of telling the truth about anything whatsoever.

Like the time she kept pretending to be the Vice Mayor for five months after her temporary gig was up.

Or the time she tried to get a restraining order against me by inventing an entirely fictional story that I stalked her, physically threatened her, and filed “approximately 40 false complaints” against her, when not a single accusation was even remotely true.

Paule Villard can’t even tell the truth about her former so-called “career” in law enforcement.

When she first ran for office in 2015, she advertised herself as a “retired police officer.”

Fortunately, North Miami Beach residents dodged that bullet when she lost that race.

Three years later when she ran again in 2018, Paule somehow morphed from a “retired police officer” into a “retired police sergeant” for anywhere from 24 to 30 years, which is also complete fiction.

The ugly truth is that she had a less than stellar career as a “police officer,” not “sergeant,” who was hired by the City of Miami Police Department on December 21, 1993, appointed as a “permanent police officer” ten months and 15 days later, and she retired “as a police officer” 21 years to the day she was hired.

During those 21 years, Paule Villard spent her time hiding out in “Community Relations” while shopping on the job in Little Haiti, collecting mediocre evaluation reports, and earning five written reprimands for going AWOL, bypassing the chain of command, and making unauthorized purchases.

Paule was also on the receiving end of six complaints.  Four of them were lodged by citizens for allegations of misconduct, improper procedure, discourtesy, and a false arrest, and two complaints were for excessive use of force.

The highlight of her “career” as a police officer was assisting another officer in a single arrest.

As usual, Paule lied.

We’re telling you the truth.

Here’s the receipt:

But the most hilarious lie of all is her bio on LinkedIn, where she claims to be a Corporal at the “Miami Police Deppartment” since February, 1987.

Paule Villard literally cannot stop lying.

About anything.

As bad as her constant lying is, nothing compares to the crimes she’s committed.

And yes, we have those receipts, too.

Paule started small by merely violating the City’s Charter.

Her first violation took place at the July 20, 2021 Commission Meeting when she deliberately broke quorum in violation of Chapter II, Article I, Subsection 2-2.1 of the North Miami Beach City Charter.  When she realized she no longer had a her reliable four-vote majority after Michael and McKenzie left the dais, she turned off her Zoom camera and refused to participate in the People’s business.  Without the Charter-required presence of “five (5) duly qualified Commissioners,” or super majority, the meeting had to be adjourned.


It is worthy to note that she learned this particular trick, among others, from her close personal friend and mentor, Ex-Commissioner/Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre, who was arrested and removed from office on July 25, 2018.  We are doing our best to make sure that Paule receives the same fate.

It’s also worthy to note that Paule conveniently “forgot” how a super majority works when she greedily decided to steal even more money from the taxpayers of North Miami Beach by violating the Charter a second time.

At the November 16, 2021 Commission Meeting, Paule and her fellow Criminal Commissioners also violated the Charter when they gave themselves an annual raise of $6,500.  Despite the fact that Article II, Sec 2-3 of the City Charter specifically states that “compensation of members of the City Commission may be increased by the affirmative vote of five members of the Commission,” the four Criminal Commissioners voted to give themselves this illegal raise.

Those municipal violations were merely a gateway drug to the thug life Paule Villard was destined to live.

This is not surprising considering she’s been closely following the footsteps of convicted felon Frantz Pierre, which will also hopefully lead to a perp walk for Paule.

In any event, Paule graduated to committing a “non-criminal infraction” in violation of Florida Statute 379.233 by releasing more than 10 balloons with long strings attached into the atmosphere, endangering the environment, wildlife, and marine life.  She insisted on following through with this violation despite being directed by then-North Miami Beach Police Captain/now-Police Chief Harvette Smith not to release the balloons.

But Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard believes she’s above the law.

So much so that she then went on to violate the Constitution of the State of Florida with her first $100,000 taxpayer-funded, vote-buying giveaway of one thousand $100 Publix gift cards to residents who are allegedly “experiencing financial hardship and food insecurity,” using COVID-19 as a convenient excuse, according to her Resolution R2021-40.  This blatant misuse of public funds was a clear violation of Article VII, Finance and Taxation, Section 10, of The Florida Constitution, which specifically prohibits municipalities from giving, lending or using its taxing power to “aid any corporation, association, partnership or person.”

Once Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard got away with violating the State Constitution, she figured the Constitution of the United States was fair game — particularly the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the Establishment Clause of the Bill of Rights by holding a church service on government property.  At her April 27, 2022 “Clergy Appreciation Brunch”, Paule announced that this is “the House of the Lord,” and that they will be “praising, preaching, singing, PRAISING THE LORD!”

And, finally, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard has managed to violate both state and federal election laws by committing election fraud during the 2020 Election, both during early voting at the North Miami Public Library and on Election Day at the Marjorie & William McDonald Center in North Miami Beach.

The newest election fraud scam is the abuse of a form called the American Disabilities Act (ADA) Declaration to Provide Assistance, which is currently being investigated by the Miami State Attorney’s Office.

On December 15, 2021, former North Miami resident and candidate Laura Hill wrote a guest column for VotersOpinion describing this abuse, and wrote, “This form is a result of legislation on a State level that addresses a disabled voter’s right to participate in the electing of their representatives.  State Statute can be found here: Florida Statute 101.051.  In practice, this statute means that a voter can be assisted by another person in order to effectively fill out their ballot if they are disabled.  It is inherently a good thing that encourages participation for disabled people.  But it can also be abused, weaponized, and turned into a campaign tool lending itself to manipulation.  If unfairly used, it could allow a person to cast more than their fair share of votes.  Each American citizen is entitled to only one (1) vote – their own.  There are no exceptions to this rule in a free and fair democracy.”

During early voting for the 2020 election, Laura Hill obtained 476 ADA forms submitted to the Miami-Dade Elections Department from the North Miami Public Library, which was an inordinately high percentage for the number of voters who cast ballots.

A February 7, 2022 Miami Herald article reported, “Countywide, just 1.4% of voters received assistance from people other than poll workers in the November 2020 general election, according to the Miami-Dade elections department.”

According to Laura Hill’s research, the use of ADA forms at the North Miami Public Library was approximately 17%.  This is clearly a statistical anomaly, and definitely points to election fraud.

It’s also important to note that the voter is not required to sign the ADA form.

In his investigation of Laura Hill’s allegations, Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz contacted the voters who allegedly requested assistance, and found that many of them were surprised to learn that forms had been submitted in their names.  These voters insisted they were not disabled and did not need help with voting, yet their names and voter registration numbers were clearly hand-printed on the forms by those who claimed to be assisting them.

Seven of those 476 ADA forms were submitted by none other than Paule Villard.

Keep in mind that she was not on the ballot in in the North Miami Beach 2020 Election, but three of her co-conspirators, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean, were.  At the time, only Paule, Michael, and McKenzie were already elected officials, but they desperately needed the fourth vote on the dais, Daniela Jean, in order to take control of the entire city.

One of the voters that Paule “assisted” was her own daughter, Victoria Germain, who is also a North Miami Beach employee.

We have no way of knowing whether or not the other six individuals that Paule Villard “helped” to vote actually requested assistance, but we do know of one person in particular who did not.  Of course, that fact did not stop Paule from physically taking this person’s ballot from her hands and filling it out for her.

Which brings us to the election fraud committed by Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard on November 3, 2020 in North Miami Beach.

A witness, who was also the victim, contacted me to tell me what happened.  I subsequently filed a complaint with the Public Corruption Unit of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which was investigated and presented to the Miami State Attorney’s Office.

For the protection and safety of the witness/victim, who is in fear of retaliation and potential physical harm, or worse, by Paule Villard and/or her surrogates, I have redacted her name for this blog.

Here’s her story.

On election day, November 3, 2020, a North Miami Beach resident went to vote at her precinct in person at the Marjorie & William McDonald Center, which is located at 17051 NE 19 Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162.  Prior to the election, the witness/victim had been dealing with an issue regarding a Code citation, so a friend of hers suggested that she speak with Commissioner Paule Villard to see if she could help.  While standing outside the precinct on election day, the woman’s friend introduced her to Paule.

Before the witness/victim could even say a word about her Code citation problem, Paule led her inside the precinct, stood with her while she received her ballot, and then led her to a voting booth to vote.

Paule then took the ballot and filled in three bubbles on the witness/victim’s ballot, presumably for Paule’s three co-conspirators, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean.

After illegally filling in the witness/victim’s ballot for those three races, Paule handed the ballot back to the woman to finish voting.  During the entire process, Paule stood next to her then led her to the end of the process and waited while the woman inserted her ballot into the tabulation machine.

Paule then simply walked away from the witness/victim out of the precinct and never looked back.  The woman never had any further contact with Paule Villard.

The witness/victim was stunned by this entire experience.  She told me that she knew what Paule did was illegal, but that she was afraid to report it to anyone.  At the time, she was a newcomer to the City, having moved to North Miami Beach only two months earlier, and she didn’t want to cause problems for herself.

However, as time went on, this matter weighed heavily on her and she finally contacted me through a third party because she knew I would follow through.  She advised me that she is willing to attest to the facts of this incident to law enforcement, as well as testify in a court of law, in the hopes of seeking justice.

In my complaint to the FDLE, I noted that, contrary to Florida election law, although Paule Villard not only escorted the witness/victim throughout the entire voting process, she never submitted an ADA Declaration to Provide Assistance form to the Miami-Dade Elections Department.  Accordingly, Paule should never have been allowed to escort a voter without the requisite form being signed and submitted.  For some unknown reason, however, one or more of the Election Department employees allowed this to happen.

In my complaint to the FDLE, I provided the names of every Elections Department employee who worked at that precinct on Election Day, which I obtained by public records request.

I have also made a public records request to the FDLE for its investigative report, which I am still waiting to receive.

Since committing election fraud during a national election is also a federal crime, a complaint has also been filed with the United States Attorney’s Office.  We await their response as well.

With the November 8, 2022 Election Day less than one month away, we fully expect that ADA Assistance abuse will be rampant once again.  Let this victim’s experience serve as a cautionary tale to never let anyone to escort you into the voting booth when you cast your ballot.

Although Paule herself will not be allowed into the precinct with voters since she is a candidate this time, be on the lookout for anyone approaching you to ask if you need assistance.

If you are legitimately disabled and need help, please ask someone you know and trust to assist you.  Do not let some stranger take you inside the voting booth!

By the same token, do not, under any circumstance, allow anyone to complete your ballot or pressure you into voting for any particular candidate.

We have already received reports that Paule Villard has unleashed her surrogate army of thugs to the homes of absentee ballot voters and insisting on “helping” them vote.  Please be aware of this nefarious scheme and do not fall for their tricks.

It should be noted that Paule has also violated a multitude of municipal and state campaign ordinances and laws, but we’ll save those details for another blog.

North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard is a liar and a criminal.  She is unfit for public office and she must be voted out.

We here at VotersOpinion are doing everything in our power to hold her accountable and bring her to justice.

Preferably in handcuffs.

In the meantime, folks, you can do your part by firing Paule Villard and purging North Miami Beach of the criminal element that has engulfed your City.

On November 8, 2022, please cast your vote for Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith, and Fortuna Smukler!

Please vote responsibly!


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8 thoughts on “The Lies and Crimes of Paule Villard

  1. Jay Chernoff needs to beat this woman at the election. I’m tired of reading about her and seeing her face all over the city. She is a fraud and I hope the voters know this.

    1. Paule is not just a fraud, although that is the perfect description. She is literally a criminal! Please vote this criminal out of office on November 8, 2022!

  2. I watched the Channel 10 segment on her card giveaway. She is so stupid that she stated the cards were not paid for with taxpayer funds. The reported had to correct her/ Stupid is as stupid does, What an embarrassment to our city.

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